WEEK 8 RUN 1 21/4/19

Tough one today think I may have had a glimpse of that brick wall, just a glimpse though!

Set off feeling motivated, however my legs just didnt seem to be feeling the same motivation I was. Not sure if its down to a busy on my feet day prior to run or what. I have to admit when I was told id ran for 5 minutes I began to question was this going to be the one I couldn’t complete, in fairness it had to happen at some point.

That inner motivation and determination kept yelling at my legs telling them to stop being stupid they could do this, no matter how slow we were not stopping!! I was passing walkers so couldnt have been going that slow. Each time id focus on a point or person and after passing would find a new focus. It seemed to keep my mind occupied and before I knew it there was 5 minutes remaining.

Normall that last 60 seconds I’d push myself a little harder but couldnt muster up the power to go any faster, todays aim was just finishing and that sense of achievment when my full 28 minutes was up was so worth pushing through.

Hoping next early run on Thursday will feel easier.

On the plus side my legs felt solid after my run and very toned.