Run 1 Tuesday 27/4/20
Late start this morning by time I’d woke (after a 3am wake up call it took ages to get back to sleep) fuelled with porridge, no banana, shopping day today meant non left this morning, it was coming up to 11am!
Today was much cooler thankfully and even a slight drizzle in the air. There would have been a point previously where I would have put off getting up and going out in the rain but today I embraced it and have to say enjoyed it.
Decided today I’d head off down to Rothervalley as only a short run day set the goal of round the larger lake and back knowing that would cover around 4 1/2 miles.
The country park was much quieter than it had been on the sunnier days but still a handful of walkers, bikers and runners were out. Enjoyed this mornings run only downside was about mile 3 I started to feel hungry as in proper belly rumbling hungry, not sure if it’s the lack of banana this morning or that I ran on Sunday with Tailwind in my water bottle. Definitely a snack needed when I get in.
Wednesday 28/4/20
Last week I made the commitment to start thinking about my core strength more and putting it into my regular training plan each week.
So this morning I decided to give an online body balance class ago. After doing a few at the local gym awhile back before the world went a little crazy, I thought how hard can it be? I found a class with a lady called Ken just generally searching on U Tube.
I overcame my first hurdle of space by clearing Suzies room of Teddy’s and shutting myself in there for an hour so no one could disturb me.
Positioning the lap top was a tough one it started on the chest of draws and then I realised when lowering to the floor it was impossible to see and since I had no idea what warrior positions were I need to visualise them, so it was moved onto Suzies bed and around the room as I went, definitely something I need to reconsider next week. The TV in the lounge would be better I may need to set an alarm for an early start or kick everyone out one evening 
It started off not too bad and I was quiet enjoying breathing with stretching, we then went into some exercises involving Planks, as much as I know these help strength wise there not my favourite but we’re easier than doing then on my arms like the physio had set.
There was one point when she tied herself in a knot with legs and arms bent everywhere 
I decided to observe that one after not even being able to bend the first leg into position 
. I definitely need to work on this more but I suppose it’s all about sticking with it.
I have looked into a plates online for beginners class as well this morning, maybe starting at a beginners specific class will help a bit more.
Thursday 29/4/20
It would appear I did more than I though in the bodybalance class yesterday as this morning I woke up with sore muscles across my chest and stomach. It’s been awhile since I’ve had that feeling and in a strange way I feel like I’ve pushed myself fitness wise for a change.
Normally I would have shuffled my runs around and ran on Friday instead giving myself a break today, there was room in my plan to do that but today was my day for the Tikkaboo challenge. So no backing out of today’s run.
The challenge was to run as far as I could for my team, Team Purple, in 19 minutes (for covid 19). The team that’s run the furthest at end of May wins. We also had to pick a baton as you would have with a usual relay.
So after my usual breakfast on went the Solar Tikkis and my purple vest, along with my spaceman baton which I thought was very ideal.

The sky was full of dark clouds and I could see it was breezy just from watching the trees outside. I had a feeling today really was going to be the short distance planned. It was nice to be participating in the relay challenge, something to add a bit of fun to today’s run.
I stood at the gate ready to set my watch on the next beep of my gym boss, I’d already decided I would Jeff the distance not run straight as it had been awhile since I’d ran straight and I wanted to see how far I could get using the Jeffing technique just out of interest.
The Gym Boss beeped, I started the timer and off I went down the hill, turning down onto the trail past the horse field then up the main trail. I tried to speed up my walking sections a bit and when the timer hit 19 mins I was pleased with my 2.74km.
Decided to take a walk back around the road way and up the hill rather than continuing to jeff if.
Although a short one today a fun one.
Friday 1/5/20 walk day
Managed a small family walk to the local Co op this afternoon.
Needed a few bits and suzie needed some fresh air so we all went out. Suzie and I waited outside, out of the way whilst Stu went in sticking to social distancing rules.
I really need to add more short walks in to get my steps back up each day. Even if it’s just a slow stroll each evening.

I finally put my trainer tags on to my trainers today as well. They were sent to me as a gift from my friend Carmel and i have been meaning to put them on for awhile just one of those two minute jobs i’ll do later so today I made the time and think they look fab!
Sunday 3/5/20
Today should have been long run day, although this week is a drip down weeks and the long run is only 4 miles (which I covered earlier on in the week) I just didn’t feel like going running today.
Not sure why, in myself I felt find, can’t really say I was unmotivated I just didn’t want to go so as much as I know sticking to plan and getting out is important I also knew not running today was not going to be the end of the world and the reason I’d started a longer Marathon plan were to account for these type of weeks, illness and holidays (chance of one of those would be nice).
So I spent time staining Wood in the garden woth the family today, we did manage to get out for a short stroll to the Co op again though.