Two Months to go!!! Where has the time gone?



So this popped up on my Facebook page today and I seem to have received a number of emails from both the British Lung Foundation and Wiggle Manachester announcing that there’s only 2 months to go!

Still feeling nervous already and if this had popped up two days ago I may have been seriously questioning my ability to run it however after yesterdays hill session I am feeling more positive and confident again (for now).

Rest day today, I have discovered not only is it OK to rest it’s a vital part of training, running will resume tomorrow:)

The Barkley Marathon also popped up on one of my many running groups I’m part of on Face book and seemed to be causing quiet a conversation, so with Stu out this evening and Suzie tucked up in bed I decided to look it up and give it a watch. I could only find snippets on U Tube but with only a map and compass allowed and no marked route, it’s no wonder not many ever finished the challenge!! I know for a fact I  would fail this one instantly as myself and directions do not go together, I need those fabulous marshal’s that volunteer their time and stand with markers.

I’ll not give things away but if you get chance it’s worth a watch and makes my goals look simple! (I know there is nothing simple about my goals, I am not disillusioned, the road ahead will be long and present it’s challenges but at least it will be flat, in daylight and well marshaled, oh and portaloos just in case of course!)

So the countdown is on, training needs to get serious, race day will be here before I know it!