Tuesday 13/08/2019 – First Hilly session in awhile!

Legs still feeling tight and heavy today really not sure whats going on with them. As I sat doing some work in the afternoon I have to be honest I was debating do I don’t I send that text to my fellow runner that tonight is not going to happen. Yesterdays message saying I needed a hilly session as not had one in a few weeks, seems now like a stupid error.

I sat looking at my planner knowing this week had lack of running days I knew I had to do this, whats the worse that could happen, I could end up walking or cutting the run short.

It felt like it had been years since I’d been on my regular Tuesday hilly session with my fellow runners, a run I had grown to really enjoy.

We set off only two of us this evening Sharon and myself and as we started I did make a passing comment of I really don’t know how tonight will go, my tin man legs are present.

As we ran out along the main road and into the village I started to find a pace, it felt good to be running with someone again, I find the chatting and pacing together really helps take the mind away from wandering and those negative thoughts from creeping in. (Something I really need to work on for my main runs as no ear phones allowed and running alone! What will I do with mind? If anyone has any answers shout them my way) We reached the bottom of the Jo’s Ices hill this was the big one, I can do this I told myself, nice and steady it’s not a race. Off I plodded up the hill determined I would get to the top of this section and turning point, Not sure if it was one of Sharon’s many hidden training techniques but we waffled about something and before I knew it was at the top, it was at this point I felt strangely motivated, my legs were tired but seemed to have found a new motivation. Maybe all I needed all along was a good old hilly session to wake them up.

Last stretch up the last hilly bit I knew I was starting flag and tiredness was creeping in but I wasn’t stopping now and there it was my shiny silver car waiting at the finish line.

I’m so pleased my commitment and determination over took the voice in my head telling me to pass on this evenings run as I know it’s what my legs needed to stretch them out and what my mind needed to show me I can do this!

So Ready for my Nacho Style feast now!