Reflection of January’s Training

January’s training plan might not have gone 100 percent to plan but equally upon reflection its not been a complete disaster either.
After not running much for a couple of months prior to Christmas, I’ve got my mileage back up to a comfortable 12 miles this month on 26th January, so proud of myself for that.

I’ve reassessed my plan recently as well as realistically the 3 x 20 mile runs I had planned in just were no longer realistic. These were all placed into my plan back in October when I had been training hard and felt I could really push for a sub 5.00 time wise. Now my goal really is just to get round the course in one piece, injury free and enjoy my first Marathon.

So I have looked at my next two months. OMG!!! 2 months or 10 weeks to go. Think I prefer 10 weeks it sounds better. It really does only seem two minutes ago I was signing up for this crazy idea. I have planned in my mileage changes, building on my 12 miles and also increasing smaller runs in the week. Think I need to look at some strengthening work and hill running but with so much to think about it really is an overload of information sometimes.
I have paid to be part of cheesecake runner club hub which is filled with lots and lots of great information with out the jargon but really need to find the time to sit and listen to the pod casts especially strength and nutrition.

I have got 2 half marathons coming up The Great North East (Blackpool) on 16th Fabuary and Retford on the 8th March. My plan is to use these as training runs for distance and checking fuel etc but not as personal bests or to stress my self out over timings. Ive just signed up for a 20 mile run in Lancaster, The Trimpell 20 on 15th March,after much debating I decided this would fit in great as my 20 mile run before taper begins. If I get to 20 before then great if not this will be my longest run ill do before doing the full 26.2 miles

Today’s moto, day at a time, stick to the plan and every step is all adding up, I can do this, I will do this!!