First HITT class! or maybe not! 08/08/19

Its 5.10am, yes am not pm and I am up. I’m up is all I am at the moment. I made a commitment to getting up for my first HITT class which starts at a lovely chirpee 6.30am! What is HITT you may e thinking? I wish I could tell you but unfortunately I am thinking the same. Having gone through the exercise class timetable this was one that fitted into an early morning when I could get up before Stu went to work. Whats the worse that can happen its only 30 minutes.

I have taken this little snippet of info off the gyms website just in case anyone is really interested : HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training that’s effective and functional! Get the most out of your workout, burn more calories and get fitter and faster than ever before! ( I like the sound of the effects!)

Who’s it for Everyone who is physically fit can benefit from HIIT. It is ideal if you are short of time and want to burn a large volume of calories quickly!

How it moves HIIT classes are designed so that you work at 100% for intense bursts of exercise with regular short breaks. Intense exercise will help burn more fat and calories than regular aerobic and steady-state workouts. (Not so sure I like the working at 100% idea, maybe this si why group cycling was booked up and this class had 38 spaces!)

Eyes barley open I stumbled down to the kitchen to put the kettle on. It’s times like these I really wish I was a coffee drinker, but just the thought off coffee makes me gag so cuppa tea to try and function it is. I’m not a lay in type of person, even on holidays I’m up before 9am and on everyday days I’m up around 7am but it feels like waking in the middle of the night this morning.

Today’s top of inspiration is stronger every damn day, not sure ill be feeling stronger in 30 minutes time, wish me luck I’ll be back!

Well not quiet the plan I had in mind, HITT never happened, apparently the class had been brought forward 15 minutes due to the changing rooms being refurbished?? What has the changing rooms got to do with the actual class, also no notices of this and nothing on the app so when I walked into the room and they were half way through you can imagine the stupidity |I felt, which quickly turned to a disgruntled first timer! I wasn’t allowed to participate as the warm up had completed, I understand this but was so annoyed having got up early.

So instead of wasting an early start I trundled into the gym are as a member for the first time and found the cross trainers. Setting a variety program, don’t ask me why this particular program, I think it just sounded good and knew if I just used the machine manually I wouldn’t test myself with inclines etc.

I hopped on and then realised it was an hour, oh well why not make the most of my membership this morning so off I went, I was surprised how fast I reached the 5K mark and how strong the legs felt after 30 minutes of going. The only down side was I hadn’t come prepared with phone and music so had a blank wall to look at whilst working out.

Before I knew it 1 hour had one and 9k covered when the cool down started. All before 8am, definitely breakfast time now! Moral of today’s post things may get in the way or stop plans out of your circumstances role with it and adapt.

So some of you may be thinking why I have I joined the gym when it’s running im training for? Or you may really not care at all, I know for the half my training with my miles will most likely be enough to get me by, however I know for a full marathon I need to strengthen and use a variety of exercise to build my body up to carry me those miles. I also though since my treadmill days are well and truly over cross training may help on those winter days when the ice may be on the ground.