I woke knowing today’s half would be testing. With the forecast of Storm Dennis bringing around 70mph winds to Blackpool running along the sea front was not going to be any easy run.
With an 11am start I was great full to not have to be so early to eat but at the same time found myself waking before my alarm at 6.45am so then felt I was just clock watching and figiting about.
Although not completely UN nerved I didn’t feel as nervous as I did in Manchester. Maybe cause I knew the start area was straight forward to get to, maybe I had just got use to the race morning routines.
The beauty of staying in self catering accommodation is being in control over pre race dinner the night before which had been Turkey Risotto and breakfast on race morning. The thought of having to eat out and what to eat is just too stressful the night before so booking accommodation like Kennedy House really works for me. A small apartment type style flat but perfect for what I needed.
I made my usual porridge for breakfast at 8am followed by a banana about 9am before starting to get ready. As always I had pre laid all my kit out the night before. I always have this fear of forgetting something important so like to go to bed knowing everything is definitely there, even though I know it is as I’d checked the case a zillion times prior to setting off.
Once dressed I prepped my water bladder with Tailwind and ensured I had 30ps in change just in case I needed a loo stop. In fairness once I get going I’ve not yet had to make that stop but like to be prepared and had been pre warned the toilets were coin operated en rout apart from the start / finish line ones.
We left the apartment and was instantly hit by the blustery cold wind, Thank fully it wasn’t raining and if the forecast was right the rain was going to hold off. My exact words to my husband Stu as we made our way to the tram stop was I must be mad! To which he agreed.
Several tram stops later it was obvious we were at the right one with lost of sportingly dressed people some even running up and down already! Now that is dedication or maybe it was just to keep warm.
We walked down the slope to the lower sea front are where people were starting to gather. I was surprised to see how many people were there and the volume really came to light as we started to move down railed off areas to get ready at the start line.
No pens at this one so i’d already told my self i wanted to be about half way to 3/4 in the starting zone and that I wasn’t going to get caught up with the fast start pace. Last thing I needed was to burn out too early on.
After a couple of speaker difficulties cutting out the starting ladies instructions we were off heading towards the starting flag and then we were off!

We headed out towards the tower all in good spirits, turning at the first turn and going along the very bottom of the sea front. The view of the sea really was a nice site to be looking at whilst running and in fairness the wind didn’t seem to bad down on the bottom. It was at this point I checked in on my watch to ensure pace and discovered it had stopped! So had to mess around re setting it. At that point I made a decision to not look at my watch but to go with how I felt pace wise and enjoy the run. It wasn’t long before we were begin routed around and back up to the mid section to follow back along where we had started and then to loop back onto the bottom level again.
The wind was definitely stronger in the middle section but running was still doable. Again we circled round to the bottom section and began our run all the way along further up the sea front this time.
It was at this point I noticed I was following a gent in a bright yellow waterproof jacket with a yellow t shirt stating he was the 2.30 pacer, at this point I was feeling strong in a decent pace and decided to pace behind or along side him with the though that if I had more to give towards the end I would power past him. It was quiet nice packing along side him even though he may not have known I was stalking him. At one point I thought I’d lost him but then realised without knowing it I had actually passed him and he was now behind me. Legs still feeling strong I carried on with the pace I was at.
The sea front seemed to stretch for miles and miles but the sun had come out and it was a nice view to look at whilst running along. The fast runners were starting to overtake on their second loop and I watched in awe as they ran past full of energy and driving force to speed away. I really wished I had that energy. I am never going to be a speedier racer and do not plan on even trying but do think those that are are amazing runners and must be so dedicated to their training.
The route then took a turn up a small steepish hill coming out on top of the cliffs again where I was instantly hit with hard winds. I could see runners ahead walking and slow motion running.
It was way to windy to keep the pace I was doing so slowed to what felt like a walk at some points but with the wind battering my legs in the wrong direction meant it was a battle to move in some parts. My pacer choose this opportunity to overtake me and there was no way I was going to try keep up so I altered my plan to keeping him in sight knowing that it would mean a time similar to Manchester.
I was great full after about 2.5 miles of battling the route started heading down towards the start line and back along to the turning point which took us back onto the lower and less windier section again.
I had no idea until mile 10 what miles I was covering and where. With no mile markers in place due to the winds apart from cones which to be honest I never saw till I saw the big mile 10 painted on the stone wall I just ran without thinking about the numbers.
I loved the thought that only 3.1 miles left to go what I didn’t like was having to battle with those winds again along the cliff tops, but i’d done it once I could do it again and at least I knew as turned the corner I was homeward bound!
It was at this point I noticed I felt quiet hungry, something I’ve not experienced when running before . Maybe it was the smell of the seaside food surrounding me or maybe I had used up more stores battling the winds. Either way was something I was going to have to look at for much longer runs.
The wind had definitely picked up even more this time round and there were a few places where it was so strong I had no choice but to walk for a minute at a time until past the sections when I could pick up a very and I mean very slow jog to keep moving forward. I could see the tower in the distance slowly getting closer and closer.
As I headed towards a bright yellow sigh with the word FINISH on I felt a sudden surge of energy and picked up the pace to run the last 200 yards in a sprint form, hearing my name shouted by a few supporters from a running group dressed in black (If this was you thank you very much) surged me on and I was through!!!

I had had a cheeky glance at the clock as I came in 235 it had said but knowing this was when they started I still had no idea of my official chip time but felt so excited to find out.
I could hear my name being called and it was at this point I realised my favourite supporter was stood at the side of the finish line holding the camera to capture my achievements. He may not be in my photos but my husband is my rock, he supports each and every run I do, he supports me when I have to go out training in evenings and mornings and without that support I wouldn’t able to do what I do.
He came round to meet me and my first words were “storm Dennis has battered me, lol) not by running the distance, my legs and self actually felt quiet good apart from a small niggle in my right knee which had started the last couple of miles when i had to change to a walk / very slow jog and altered pace, but by the winds. Running when your legs are being pushed in the opposite direction by pure brute wind force is not an easy mission.
In just under a year i’d not only ran one half marathon but two! Something I would never have thought I could do when I picked up that couch25k app the first time back in March 2019.

We didn’t hang around long as the wind was still blowing and I could feel my self getting colder despite putting my jacket on, plus we had reservations at The White Tower Restaurant at 3.45 and I definitely needed a shower.
My hard work was done for the day time to enjoy lunch / dinner and maybe a glass of fizz or two!

Heres to my next race, Retford half marathon on 8th March!