Chester 100 April 2024

So, my year to 100 miles did not quiet go to plan, training went to pot (no reflection on the coach I would like to add), I started off ok then had a series of issues with my left foot and ankle. I just put it down to training at the time little did I know then that I would be waiting for a rheumatology referral at the end of 2024 for a RA diagnosis (Rheumatoid Arthritis).

I rocked up to the start with hardly any sleep, I think I knew before I had even started in my heart that this would not be the finish I wanted, but what did I have to lose. I strapped my left ankle up which helped throughout the event and set off after having a photo taken with the armoured guys, I’m not sure where my photos even are, after the first check point about 8 miles in my jeff became a walk. To the first check point was not too bad underfoot it went down the canal which was compact and then onto hard pathways. It was after here that it began to get muddier, and I had underestimated the thick ankle-deep mud pulling on the legs constantly, there was a couple of occasions I lost my shoe. Shortly after check point two I was greeted with the pacer and three other gents who I walked with chatting away through the all the sludge at the side of the canal. I can remember walking to the next check point through some woodland that was quite hilly and then descending a really steep cobbled bit, there was another lady who had made her mind up to stop here as did one of the gents and I wobbled thinking there was no way my legs would get me back up that cobbled steep part, but as stubborn as I am after a cup of tea and some crisp I threw my back pack back on and kicked my butt out, tackling the hill wasn’t as bad as I thought and the pacer chatting away really did help take my mind off, whilst we trudged back over the woodland and muddy fields. I could feel my self-loosing energy and my knee began to twinge knowing I really was racing against the clock began to deflate me as I knew there was no chance, I would make it all the way. We got to a road, and I was informed we had about two hours to the next pit stop and that I could just make it at the pace we were going, it was this point about 38 miles in that I decided today was not the day and made the call for a pick up returning to the campsite where my trainers were disposed off and I filled the showers with so much mud.

Was I disappointed? Yes but I think I knew from the moment we set off to Chester that this was not going to be a victory event, I am glad I went and had the experience, I will be honest I don’t think it is an even I will return to in the future and over the 6 months after I released my goals may have to change which really took some accepting and getting use to.

I may fail at my 2025 goals but if I sit on the sofa and don’t try, I will never know. Which is why I have decided to restart my blogging on my site, I am not even sure if anyone reads my ramblings but if it helps me keep my focus and gives me something to look back on then it has done its job.

So here’s to hopefully completing 100km in 5 months time and 100 miles in 10 months time!!


Yes that’s right! I do not know where those other weeks have gone I have not been overly productive if I am honest. I have completed Derby Half Marathon and a 50km in the Peak District (this one was walked) but apart from that my training has been hit and miss.

I dont seem to be motivated by the Woman’s 100 Miler project training plan, I think its too rigid for me as it is set out in three blocks and that’s it, I feel I need something more progressive as I go along so I feel like I’m ticking off the weeks and goals.

So after spending what feels like weeks but has only been the past week asking myself do I really want to do this, followed by London Marathon a week later! Yes you read that right I have been given the opportunity to run London and realised its a week after the 100. Anyway I came to the conclusion that yes I do want to do this craziness.

I have perused training plans and YouTube videos all week and at the end of it still didn’t get that feeling I had found what I was looking for. So today I took the plunge and did an online meet with Steve from PFM coaching to get a feel for what support and structure he could offer me.

I have to be honest I had my reservations about taking on a coach but after speaking with him I feel this is the way forward and he didn’t tell me I am crazy with my goals which is a good start. We did discuss being realistic which is fine. So Paper work completed I am looking forward to starting my training with the support of Steve.

Today is Day One again.

A Year to 100 Miles Intro

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, some of it procrastination thinking.

I have wanted to do a 100 miler since finishing Race to the Stones in 2022 but this year somethings stopped me from signing up, not sure what. Maybe it is the fact my training has slackened off over the last 5 months and been non existent since The Yorkshire Marathon, not that it was existent for The Yorkshire Marathon.

I didn’t make the Seaside Ultra in April 2023, gutted but a multitude of reasons why it didn’t happen.

So I spent a week sulking on the sofa telling myself I should get out and not actually getting anywhere. However, this sulky week was not in vain in fact it was quiet productive in the research department and helping me find my mojo again.

It was this week I was introduced to The Woman’s 100 Miler Project and their training plan to get you through 100 miles!! I have become quiet addicted to working my way through their You Tube videos and made my decision 2024 will be the year I complete a 100 Miler!

I’m dropping miles for time on my feet which is a big change in training for me and will get some taking use to and I am making a commitment to completing the strength training. I’m not sure why this plan feels right out of all the ones I have looked at but it just does, maybe it’s from watching Karmella and Lee’s videos that has been the inspiration.

Having looked at the plan and taken it all in, strength training and all, which really is not my forte. I started day 1 today and planned my Callander of running all the way up to The Peak District 100km in July. I will obviously plan the remainder of the months till May next year at a later date, maybe when I have me feet up after a long run. For now I have plenty to be getting on with. Let’s just say Glute bridges and clam shells need some working on.

So you maybe asking which 100 miler is thinking of? I have had my eye on Chester 100 since finishing my first 100km and hopefully bagged my place by helping out at the Pennine Barrier Ultra as support, which is a bonus financially and also means I get to support other Ultra runners. It has a decent cut off of 36 hours and I believe one of the less hillier Ultra’s.

I won’t bore you will daily updates you can get that from my Facebook or Instagram pages, feel free to follow but I will do an update once a week on how the training is going and I will continue to do updates of any events I attend. So watch this space!