Holiday runs at Beekse Bergen, Holland September 2019

Day 4 of holiday and I’m yet to run any miles. I did set my alarm yesterday for 6am with every note tin of running before going off on a day of safaris however if I am honest waking up in pitch blackness completely put me off so I turned over for an hour extra sleep.
So I knew today would have to be the day. With a day in town planned there was no rush to get off for set busses etc the morning so I set the alarm for 7am knowing by the time I had a drink and a banana it would be plenty light.

With the endless trails and woodlands there really was noting preventing me running apart from me. Now some of you might be saying crazy lady your on holiday relax, I would have been one of those people at one point. I knew with only 6 weeks to go getting out for a run was so vital even if it was just a few 5k runs this week.

So looking at the pre run pictures taken from the veranda of our accommodation it looks like the start of a nice morning, however don’t be deceived it’s actually quite nippy out and I’m wishing I had packed my tech t shirt instead of vest tops, not sure why I didn’t but hey ho I am sure I will warm up once I get going. Maybe they are with the water bottle I was suppose to pack? Never mind one of Suzies juice bottles will have to do.

Not sure if it was lack of fuel (only a banana compared with usual porridge), lack of running over the last week, my Iron levels being low or poor diet since being on holiday (please don’t judge, I had tried to control my diet as I feel rubbish when I eat rubbish but lack of items in the on site shop led to poor choices or starve, I am not one for starving! It’s not a pretty picture when I am hungry) but today was tough going and I’m so mad at myself. With only 6 weeks to go and having covered 12 miles just over a week ago I should not be struggling with a pesky 5k run, but I was!

I set off from our accommodation and headed towards the trail. My plan was to run down to the main entrance barriers. I had no idea how far this would cover but if needed to extend it I’d just run the other way, So I left down the trail road. It was still early but people were starting to move around the site and the sun had really started to come through so I was now happy with my choice of vest after all.
I knew straight away this was going to be a push my body seemed to want to give in from the start, legs just did not want to move and I felt like all my energy had gone. I felt my arm buzz telling me that was my first 1k, how can I feel like I’d run so long and yet not even really started. I past the shop /club area and continued on following the canal and lake. One good point in this mornings run is the views were fantastic. I crossed a pretty little bridge and decide instead of going straight forward I was going to turn left and explore. Turns out there wasn’t much to explore it took through a little wooded area and around to the water sports dock where the boat that took you across to near our camp was docked. I’m positive it was further away than I’d run when you looked across the water from the other side.
I had come to a dead end, it would appear you can’t go all the way around the lakes which is a shame so I decided instead of returning to the patch and continuing to the gates I would turn around and go the way I had come back to camp. (It turns out when we later drove out of the site the entrance was just a few steps away)

As I turned back towards our row of vans I could see Stu sat enjoying his morning cuppa and have to admit he thought of pushing another 1k out of me was just not happening today.
As I pulled up a chair on the decking I was angry with my self only 4K covered today and that was an effort. I vowed I would venture out again in the morning determined to cover 5k.

5/8/19 second run of the week! I will not be defeated and run 5k today!

After yesterday’s testing and disappointing run I was determined today was going to be a better one. With no plans of going out today there was no rush to set the alarm and get up early, so I woke on my own and ensured I was fuelled better with a bowl of porridge over an hour before setting off.
Decided to go opposite way this morning I knew looking at the map it wasn’t as long as as yesterday’s route so had already planned to turn round and run yesterday’s route as well.
the first 1K was sluggish legs felt stiff but not as stiff as yesterday so I tried to slow pace with today’s intention being distance not speed related.
It wasn’t long before I came to a fork in the path one way went through double gates which were opened, but had some foreign writing on them so I decided maybe that wasn’t the way to go, so chose the other soon to be met with an underground subway. I did ponder going through to be nosy but unsure of where I would end up, maybe I’d be eaten my a tiger we were in the wood land after all, or maybe that was a slight over exaggeration. I decided against it. I’m now considering going that way on Saturday just out of interest.

Turning around I went back the way I had come and continued along the rail instead of turning off for the camp area.
There was more people out today mainly on bikes or catching the land train, why didn’t I think of that! Wheels!
I actually passed a bike and didn’t re pass me as I made my way towards the club and shop area, in fairness it probably turned off down one of the little camp turnings but that’s not the point I ran past it! So it’s a win for me, yay me! I was later passed by several other bikes, in fact so many I lost count but that’s not important.
Today I stopped just before the bridge turning around and heading back to camp, just as my arm buzzed informing me of my 5k victory.
Still not feeling as confident as I had been over a week ago but better than yesterday. We shall see what Saturday’s run shall bring, who knows I may even get a Sunday morning one in as well before having to pack up.

9/9/19 – last holiday run

Last day of the holiday today but determined to get in one last run today, before we head to the pool to spend spare time whilst we wait for the ferry.

Alarm was originally set for 6am, who was I kidding when I set it, when I woke the room was so dark, I turned over for a cheeky extra hour in bed. I really need to rethink these dark nights and mornings.
As much as I could have rolled over and settled on two runs this week I knew I needed to make my butt get its self out of bed. I remembered my commitment to my training plan and to my self for my goals, no one else was going to do it for me so out of bed I got and off I went after a quick glass of squash. (Unfortunately no time for breakfast this morning, that would just have to wait till post run)
I’m pleased I decided to get up as it was nice to see the lakes and surrounding areas one more time so peaceful and the run its self felt so much better. I even passed another runner out this morning, when I say pass they were going the opposite way to me.

I’ve enjoyed my surroundings this week, my distance may not have been loads but I kept my commitment to three runs to keep me going and I know that will have made a difference and kept my joints going.

Sunday 25/08/2019 – Poolsbrook 12 Miler!!

LONG POST ALERT!! But it was a long run!

So today is the day I plan to not only run to Poolsbrook again but to run around Poolsbrook as well this time pushing that distance a little more. With a week in Holland coming up I really wanted to get the distance in today so alarm was set for 6am, breakfast of porridge and a cuppa ready for the off just after 7am.

You may or may not be asking what do I run with on longer runs. So here is a bit of kit advice, I’m no pro but these are what seem to be currently working for me.

My water ruck sack was off of amazon I think it cost me £14.99 if I remember rightly but it has been fantastic. So far no rubbing, easy to wear and not even that heavy when the water bladder is full. Holds a 1.5 Liter water bladder with pockets at front for all your nick nacs. I normally fill mine with my energy strips, dextrose tablets and phone so all easily accessible and the small zipper pocket is where I always keep an emergency note or two just in case. (I’ll post pictures next time ive got it out)

I did look at the waist ones but knew that I needed more water, how can you get through all those miles on 2 small bottles? I know there are water points on main race day but I didn’t want to waste time and energy filling up bottles and there are no re fill points apart from half way on my pre race run. Plus they would annoy me swinging round my waist whilst running. At the end of the day its personal preference but one thing I discovered is you don’t need to pay an arm and a leg for some equipment. That’s not to say other equipment isn’t worth investing in. My best buy so far is my trusty running trainers which were fitted at a running store in shiregreen, definitely worth having gait analysis and spending an investment in this piece of kit. After all these are what are going to house your precious feet for all those training miles and most importantly the day its self. Mine were £120.00 but have never let my feet down once, I know they wont see me to my Marathon so already dropping pre Christmas hints lol. Another piece of kit I wouldn’t be with out is my Tikkaboos, they even come on holiday with now!

I’ve avoided using gels as I have a sensitive stomach and really don’t want to experience those moments so I’ve been using Revies strips. Normally one as I set off and then one half way but I am still playing around with things like this. Not sure if they actually make any difference or not as I am too busy just wanting to get through he miles to spend time and energy debating if my energy has increased or not, but I got through 12 miles so far today. I’ve also used Dextrose tablets on today’s run someone suggested them to me so Ill keep you posted on that one.

Suited and booted off I went heading out of the back gate across the car park and down onto the trail. I really am so lucky to live within distance of a trail and connections to two country parks without having to plan to take the car out or run endlessly around streets and houses.

At 7.15 the sun was already starting to feel warm, a fantastic change from the dull rainy weather we have been having but not ideal for longer run days so pleased I had stuck to my pan and set off early. Cyclists and dog walkers were already hitting the trail routes. One thing I’ve found with running is everyone seems to say good morning something I never found when I was a walker, which is strange. Maybe they think I need a hello or good morning to spur me on to my destination. Either way I think it’s nice.

My aim today was to pace myself, today was not about speed (although secretly I had an idea of how long I wanted to be out) it was about covering the distance and covering further than I had ever gone before by adding on the distance of running around the country park once getting their before returning.

I wanted to try and lower my pace today (you may be thinking no one ever said they wanted to go slower) last time I covered this run the first 5k I zoomed off strong then around 7k started to really feel it knowing I had gone too quick too soon. I don’t know if its the upbeat music in my ears when I run alone that sends me into a speedy pace or just me thinking the quicker I go the quicker i’ll be finished.

But I knew I defiantly couldn’t keep that pace all the way through the half marathon let alone the full one. So my aim was to go no faster than 6.30 but no slower than 7.00 per km.

It felt like ages before I felt the buzz of my watch on my arm indicating the firs 1k was gone, I had found a pace I was comfortable with so kept going at that over the next few k’s I did glimpse at my watch a few occasions o discover I was sitting around 6.15 even 6.05 at one point but told my self I needed to take it a step back and slow down as I knew there would come a harder point in my run when I would have wished wasting energy earlier going to fast. It wasn’t long before I hit the turning point directing Pools brook one way and chesterfield the other. I knew it would not be long before I would be tackling my 20 miler to chesterfield and back but not today, today was to tackle the country park, so that’s the way I went.

When I hit the main road I used this is a walk for 60 seconds opportunity. Up until now I had ran all the way at a steady pace and surprisingly never once felt out of breath, don’t get me wrong the legs knew they were covering distance today and were beginning to show show those ache signs but so far I felt good and knew it was just a little way down the track till I hit the half way point. I love a half way point, halfway points to me are a commitment and my motto is if I can get half way I’ll be dammed if I’m giving up at the half way point, whats the point when you’ve already done half the work!

The site of the country park was so pretty as I ran down the steep slope to the footpath that circled it, the sun shone off the waters and it looked so peaceful as it waited for all its day visitors. Apart from a few fishermen and a couple of cyclists the site was empty. I loved these times of day, no dodging other people required (you’d be amazed at how mentally and physically draining that can be when already tired.) I also liked the peace and quiet although that’s a bit of a strange one since my ear phones were blasting out 90’s music to keep me going, I really need to give this route a go with no ear phones one day, after all ear phones are apparently a nono on race day, although some allow bone conducting ones, maybe a google moment as what the hell are bone conducting ear phones? It sounds like some sort of torture device! Maybe I should read the entry info and find out! If not how will I keep myself occupied for well over 2 hours? The thought of listening to my own voice in my head is boring me already, i’ll put it on my to do list whilst on holiday. Any tips welcome!


Before I knew it I was at the foot of the steep slope back up to the exit, again I used this as a 60 second walking opportunity and a time to pop a dextrose tablet, not sure if I needed it but now well over half way I knew the return journey wasn’t going to be as comfortable as the inward one.

I’m not quiet sure if my brain had just switched off on the return down the track or if I was just fueled full of dextrose tablets but I don’t recall passing some of the markers I’ve used in the past that make me aware of how far I’ve covered and also how far I have left to go. As I just hit over the 9 mile marker I knew my muscles were starting to feel there mornings work, I was struck by tight bum! Know you may be laughing at this but it felt like my bum had suddenly developed cramp and tightened up. Ive heard of muscles tightening in the legs but cant say ive heard of it in the backside, it wasn’t painful just strange and did go off after about 5 minutes, unfortunately the tiredness starting in the legs did not follow.

I kept setting myself little goals to reach certain trees, bench’s (how good do benches look at these points in training? No time for sitting down though, that and if I sit now I may never get back up and then stu would have to send out the search party, wouldn’t be the first time) also I loved it when other runners or people in general were coming towards me cause I would tell myself I couldn’t possibly be seen taking a 60 second walking break by other people so would have to pass them and wait till no one was in front of me, once they were behind me I wasn’t bothered I couldn’t see them. All in all I think after the road crossing going and returning I only actually had 4 other 60 second walks and 2 of these were on hill sections.

All of a sudden the turn off of the trail appeared, where did that come from? I had been waiting for the gap in the hedge I normally use as a marker for knowing the trail end is near, something I’d used in my earlier couch to 5k days (They seem so long ago now) and it would appear I had completely bypassed it with my running games and was now at the exit!

I could do this, just along the horses field, out onto the main road and up the hill to go. There was a chair with my name on it the garden to bask in the glorious sunshine all day.

As I came out of the trail I knew my legs would not run up that hill (they actually probably would have, I think it was my brain that wouldn’t let them) so I speed walked up it, as I turned the corner to near the entrance of our back car park I glanced at my watch to discover I was currently on 11.94 miles, there was no way I wasn’t getting that 12 miles, not after all that effort! So off down into the neighboring culd e sac I went around their car park and back up into our car park, nope still not quiet there so a couple of laps of the car park and boom!! 12 miles completed, a little bit of a stretch then to find that chair!

As much as I wanted to stay in that chair in the garden all day I knew my muscles would become cold and start to cease quickly so after a glass of strawberry milk, yes you read right something else a leading nutritionist had advised me to do after a run. I made my way up to my hot bath with my epsom salts, non of this cold bath milarky for me, I’m not that daring. Before then settling down to a pasta lunch to pasta, onions, peppers, bacon and primula cheese, I was starving and knew I needed to refuel on the right sorts of food.

So things I’m really proud of on this run:

1) I never once felt out of breath (Maybe I didn’t push myself hard enough? Or maybe I really have just found that pace that’s right for me and will get me though my marathons? I am hoping its the latter one.

2) I did it, I ran not just to Pools Brook which I have done twice before but I ran around it which is what I had set out to do!

3) I ran 12 miles!! The most I have ever ran!

4) The thought of now completing 13.2 miles was feeling more achievable than it did a couple of weeks ago, this week was a moving forward week!

Two Months to go!!! Where has the time gone?



So this popped up on my Facebook page today and I seem to have received a number of emails from both the British Lung Foundation and Wiggle Manachester announcing that there’s only 2 months to go!

Still feeling nervous already and if this had popped up two days ago I may have been seriously questioning my ability to run it however after yesterdays hill session I am feeling more positive and confident again (for now).

Rest day today, I have discovered not only is it OK to rest it’s a vital part of training, running will resume tomorrow:)

The Barkley Marathon also popped up on one of my many running groups I’m part of on Face book and seemed to be causing quiet a conversation, so with Stu out this evening and Suzie tucked up in bed I decided to look it up and give it a watch. I could only find snippets on U Tube but with only a map and compass allowed and no marked route, it’s no wonder not many ever finished the challenge!! I know for a fact I  would fail this one instantly as myself and directions do not go together, I need those fabulous marshal’s that volunteer their time and stand with markers.

I’ll not give things away but if you get chance it’s worth a watch and makes my goals look simple! (I know there is nothing simple about my goals, I am not disillusioned, the road ahead will be long and present it’s challenges but at least it will be flat, in daylight and well marshaled, oh and portaloos just in case of course!)

So the countdown is on, training needs to get serious, race day will be here before I know it!

Tuesday 13/08/2019 – First Hilly session in awhile!

Legs still feeling tight and heavy today really not sure whats going on with them. As I sat doing some work in the afternoon I have to be honest I was debating do I don’t I send that text to my fellow runner that tonight is not going to happen. Yesterdays message saying I needed a hilly session as not had one in a few weeks, seems now like a stupid error.

I sat looking at my planner knowing this week had lack of running days I knew I had to do this, whats the worse that could happen, I could end up walking or cutting the run short.

It felt like it had been years since I’d been on my regular Tuesday hilly session with my fellow runners, a run I had grown to really enjoy.

We set off only two of us this evening Sharon and myself and as we started I did make a passing comment of I really don’t know how tonight will go, my tin man legs are present.

As we ran out along the main road and into the village I started to find a pace, it felt good to be running with someone again, I find the chatting and pacing together really helps take the mind away from wandering and those negative thoughts from creeping in. (Something I really need to work on for my main runs as no ear phones allowed and running alone! What will I do with mind? If anyone has any answers shout them my way) We reached the bottom of the Jo’s Ices hill this was the big one, I can do this I told myself, nice and steady it’s not a race. Off I plodded up the hill determined I would get to the top of this section and turning point, Not sure if it was one of Sharon’s many hidden training techniques but we waffled about something and before I knew it was at the top, it was at this point I felt strangely motivated, my legs were tired but seemed to have found a new motivation. Maybe all I needed all along was a good old hilly session to wake them up.

Last stretch up the last hilly bit I knew I was starting flag and tiredness was creeping in but I wasn’t stopping now and there it was my shiny silver car waiting at the finish line.

I’m so pleased my commitment and determination over took the voice in my head telling me to pass on this evenings run as I know it’s what my legs needed to stretch them out and what my mind needed to show me I can do this!

So Ready for my Nacho Style feast now!


Monday 12/08/19 General Rothervalley Run, 5k

So last weeks training plan didn’t go to plan! I was warned there would be weeks like this. Only having covered one small run and a cross training session at the gym I was feeling like I was going backwards with training not forward, but physically could not fit another run in it was just one of those weeks.

Determined not to be another one of those weeks knowing I am away for the weekend and unsure if I’ll fit a run in whilst away I knew I had to make every day count.

My aim today was a 5k plod around my usual trail and Rothervalley route. As I set off I knew my legs were heavy and felt like I had already run miles, is this what tin man felt like before he was oiled?

As I ran along my route my mind was beginning to question how would I do 26.2 miles if I was struggling with just 5k? How was I going to cope with the extended mile runs and running alone? Maybe I was crazy to set myself such a huge goal? I terminated my run today when my arm buzzed at 5K just as I was turning the last corner on RotherValley before leaving onto the trail. Normally I would have continued to set smaller goals and kept pushing for at least another 1k but today my legs were just not feeling it. As I started walking the remainder of the route home I found myself being angry for lack of distance and feeling like I did on what surely should be an easy run for me now. I then stopped myself, 6 months ago I could not run for a minute let alone 5k, 7 months ago I would have laughed at anyone suggesting I do a 5k race let alone a 10k, half marathon and if they had suggested a full Marathon I would have keeled over laughing at them so much. So I need to re assess my training and maybe step it up a gear but all was not lost on one run, I still had just over 2 months till the half marathon.

Maybe I needed to forget about the full marathon as advised and deal with the Half first, then look at the full marathons training plan. Maybe the daunting thought of the Full Marathon is blocking my progress with the Half?

So I’ve made a commitment to myself and my plan whilst walking home, maybe I needed that walk more than I needed a run to clear my head and refocus.

My focus is on the Half Marathon, I’ll deal with the Full from 14th October 2019, and my training plan which is pinned on my board in the hall, taking each week a week at a time, a run at a time. These plans are designed to get people through these event so like the c25k I needed to put my trust in the plan.


First HITT class! or maybe not! 08/08/19

Its 5.10am, yes am not pm and I am up. I’m up is all I am at the moment. I made a commitment to getting up for my first HITT class which starts at a lovely chirpee 6.30am! What is HITT you may e thinking? I wish I could tell you but unfortunately I am thinking the same. Having gone through the exercise class timetable this was one that fitted into an early morning when I could get up before Stu went to work. Whats the worse that can happen its only 30 minutes.

I have taken this little snippet of info off the gyms website just in case anyone is really interested : HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training that’s effective and functional! Get the most out of your workout, burn more calories and get fitter and faster than ever before! ( I like the sound of the effects!)

Who’s it for Everyone who is physically fit can benefit from HIIT. It is ideal if you are short of time and want to burn a large volume of calories quickly!

How it moves HIIT classes are designed so that you work at 100% for intense bursts of exercise with regular short breaks. Intense exercise will help burn more fat and calories than regular aerobic and steady-state workouts. (Not so sure I like the working at 100% idea, maybe this si why group cycling was booked up and this class had 38 spaces!)

Eyes barley open I stumbled down to the kitchen to put the kettle on. It’s times like these I really wish I was a coffee drinker, but just the thought off coffee makes me gag so cuppa tea to try and function it is. I’m not a lay in type of person, even on holidays I’m up before 9am and on everyday days I’m up around 7am but it feels like waking in the middle of the night this morning.

Today’s top of inspiration is stronger every damn day, not sure ill be feeling stronger in 30 minutes time, wish me luck I’ll be back!

Well not quiet the plan I had in mind, HITT never happened, apparently the class had been brought forward 15 minutes due to the changing rooms being refurbished?? What has the changing rooms got to do with the actual class, also no notices of this and nothing on the app so when I walked into the room and they were half way through you can imagine the stupidity |I felt, which quickly turned to a disgruntled first timer! I wasn’t allowed to participate as the warm up had completed, I understand this but was so annoyed having got up early.

So instead of wasting an early start I trundled into the gym are as a member for the first time and found the cross trainers. Setting a variety program, don’t ask me why this particular program, I think it just sounded good and knew if I just used the machine manually I wouldn’t test myself with inclines etc.

I hopped on and then realised it was an hour, oh well why not make the most of my membership this morning so off I went, I was surprised how fast I reached the 5K mark and how strong the legs felt after 30 minutes of going. The only down side was I hadn’t come prepared with phone and music so had a blank wall to look at whilst working out.

Before I knew it 1 hour had one and 9k covered when the cool down started. All before 8am, definitely breakfast time now! Moral of today’s post things may get in the way or stop plans out of your circumstances role with it and adapt.

So some of you may be thinking why I have I joined the gym when it’s running im training for? Or you may really not care at all, I know for the half my training with my miles will most likely be enough to get me by, however I know for a full marathon I need to strengthen and use a variety of exercise to build my body up to carry me those miles. I also though since my treadmill days are well and truly over cross training may help on those winter days when the ice may be on the ground.

Embracing the rain 06/08/19

So I’m sat here determined tonight I will go out and stretch the legs having not run in a week and that was a pathetic attempt on the treadmill I so need to get back out there.

Waiting for stu to come home from work and s I look outside I can see the clouds getting darker overhead, I have made that commitment and a little rain isn’t going to stop me after all come October or April the weather could be just as bad and in fairness when I first started c25k there were some bad weather days and I didn’t even think twice about not going out then.

Five minutes later the thunder starts followed by a heavy down pour and Suzie stood at the door informing me ‘there’s a storm coming cheers for that Suzie, am I really mad going out in this!

Maybe it will pass in the next half hour I really hope so or I am getting in the car and off to the gym to use my membership for the first time since signing up on Monday.

I never thought I would be having exercise withdrawals! It’s strange how your mindset changes once you start running. I am also concerned I am m veering off my training track which is worrying as I know the weeks are getting nearer and if I don’t stick to my plan things are going to get harder.

After half an hour of watching the down pour from the dry inside there was a gap and a blazing session of sunshine. So running gear quickly pulled on as quick as you can pull running on that is, and off I went with the aim of a gentle 5k to get back into things after 6 days of no running.

I knew the trail and Rothervalley would be wet with puddles so instead of trying to dodge them I embraced them, took my usual rout off down the track and onto Rothervalley then turned right for a change, I like to mix it up sometimes.

Just as I turned onto the country park the heavens opened again, It actually felt so refreshing and didn’t slow my pace at all. About 3.5k I could feel my muscles in my legs and calf’s working and firming up and as much as I knew I would know about it this evening and in the morning I knew I needed to push through and keep my 5k commitment. It sounds strange to anyone who hasn’t run before but I knew this was a good ache, this meant I was strengthening my muscles again after they had rested all week. It’s scary to think it took me originally 9 weeks to build up my stamina and strength to run 5k and yet 1 week of not running and doing very little really can set you back, today’s lesson is consistency really is a key component of training. I just hope there is some where to run in Holland in a few weeks time as I know how much even a few shorter runs in France helped.

The rain didnt last too long, which is a shame really as it felt really good. I decided to do just the one lake today and veered off round past the park and ice cream van, surprisingly the ice cream van was open! Not sure who he was open for as apart from a couple of cyclists and a few mad runnes like myself the park was empty.

I ran around and decided to exit via where I had entered as I knew the wooded trail bit would be boggy underfoot. My wrist buzzed and I looked down I had hit my 5k, yay! My training voice kicked in at this point asking myself if I had anymore to give, my legs did ache but you know what I had to go home one way or another so why not plod back jogging it would also be great to go back with 6k now I’d started running past 5k, before I knew it I was up and under the bridge back o the trail and my wrist had buzzed again to tell me 6k had gone, I couldn’t stop now it was mainly flat to the railway bridge including a bit of a down hill I could do this! Up and over the bridge, I did walk up the stony hill bit to the horses fields wet and stones just looked a recipe for disaster and the last thing I need is an injury.

I always like the last bit of the trail along the horses field it feels like that last stretch when you know the finish line to a race is just round the corner, I did wimp out running up the hill today, I had set out to do 5k and so pleased I had pushed myself further and did over 7k it just shows sometimes asking your self if you have more to give really does work! I am now starving and looking forward to my beef Stroganough. (I have no idea if that’s spelt right)


Second Attempt at a Treadmill Run 31/07/19

Unable to run yesterday on my normal running day due to work commitments has really thrown my week out so I knew today I had to get a run of some sorts in. With heavy rain and more forcasted, I didn’t want to chance waiting till 6pm when Stu was home so decided to give the treadmill another whirl.

So I pulled it out of it’s dust collecting position in the hallway to where I could also see Suzie playing in the living room. I started slow trying to get into a pace, turning up the speed as I went until I got to the 8 mark. I don’t know if its my imagination or what but running on a treadmill always seems like I am going way much quicker than out doors but I’m actually going snails pace! How does that work? It took me the first 2k to find a stride I was comfortable with and one that I would not kick the plate in front or fall off the belt behind. I’d just started to feel like I was making progress when Suzie decided to find a pen and daddy’s books! So hopping off the treadmill (I did this safely) to rescue the said books from being drawn on majorly interrupted my pace. Maybe treadmill wasn’t the best option when house bound with a toddler.

I got back on and was amused for five minutes when suzie came up to the baby gate, yes I’m not daft enough to run on the treadmill with toddler access she would have been trying to join me or swinging off the bars if she had a choice. I think she was impersonating me running stood in front of me waving my arms around running on the spot. She seemed to find this hilarious before proceeding to going back to taking advantage of a free for all in the living room and emptying all the toy boxes.

I now know why I love running out doors so much, it really is my head space and my time away from tipped up toy boxes.

I have to be honest I also find running on the spot so boring that when I hit 4k my brain had already told my legs they could stop at 5k and we’d make this a small run today, not because my legs were tired but because my brain was bored and I was dripping wet through! (I’ll never moan about fresh air again)

When I hit 5k I began to slow the treadmill down to a walk and walked for a couple of minutes before getting off, I felt quiet disorientated hen I got off and even a bit dizzy having to steady myself, something I’ve not experienced yet whilst running.

I think its safe to say I am not a treadmill runner and shall be avoiding the use of it at all costs.I’m even considering putting it up for sale as I just don’tthink it’s for me. I’m dissapointed at the shocking time and pace of today’s run, that has to be worse 5k ever! However I’m glad I at least did something which is better than nothing.

I am just hoping we don’t get hit with major snow this winter whilst training for the full marathon as I have no idea how I would do more than around 5k in doors. If anyone has any suggestions, hints or tips to help they would be greatly appreciated. I’m looking forward to getting back out on the paths!


Sunday 28th July 19 General Run

I woke this morning with heavy legs and could have quiet easily turned over and gone back to sleep but I knew if I didn’t keep that commitment in place I wouldn’t want to run this afternoon and then I would be a run down. Besides I also knew that after a cuppa and a bit of time to come round I’d be ready to go.

So on went the Red Camo Tikkis, omg! I haven’t work full length ones in ages, lets just say my thighs have definitely bulked out, my weight is averaging the same as what ive been for awhile so it’s definitely the muscles at work from running.

If you could see me pulling them on it would have kept you entertained for hours, once on no problems but I think the getting dressed part probably took more effort than the running! Which top to wear big decision, opted for my Marathon Training one, not only does it go great with cameos but maybe the more I say and see it the more it will seem real as its still in the distance but know once the half is out of the way the full one will take priority.

The weather was dark, cloudy with rain in the air and after the constant downpour yesterday I knew there was going to be some puddles and sludgy bits. What I hadn’t considered when choosing to run down and along the main road to the entrance to the trail was the road to be flooded and very busy with cars. There was another runner on the opposite end to the flooded area also waiting for a clear spot to dart through the puddles so we wouldn’t be drowned by the cars passing.

I jogged onto the grass area not realising that too had many boggy parts and hoped for the best staying as far away from the road side as possible, phew I’d made it feet a little damp but I was dry!I had beaten the drivers, Yay!!

I headed up the trail towards the entrance and decided to mix things up a bit for a change I entered Rothervalley at the first entrance instead of continuing down the trail and went right were I would normally go left. As I ran round and approached the cafe are I started having the whole do I do one lake or two conversation, sometimes I wish the brain would shut off and allow the legs to do the decision making.

Determined to get more distance in today than I had been doing recently and with the weather much cooler, I set my goal of both lakes and up to the entrance of the trail home, so past the turn off I kept going around the smaller lake. Instead of turning off up the slope and joining the trail I decided to continue around the lakes to back to where I had entered, under the bridge and back onto the trail.

Originally my brain had told me once back on the trail I could stop and walk back but I was determined I wanted to see more distance this time, with the weeks going by I knew I had to start thinking about challenging myself a little more and pushing myself, I know my legs can do it I need to stop the brain from taking over, maybe music isn’t enough and its time to think of trying out some pod casts to side track me, note ones self when I get home check out some pod casts.

Determined to complete the distance all way hope I headed off down the track, over the railway bridge and along trail coming out on the hill, I could have easily used the hill as a cool down walk but that inner training voice seemed to rise saying I really needed to get building up my stamina more and I shouldn’t stop if I had more to give. So I slowed my pace and plodded up the hill but didn’t stop once! I’d covered 8.3K happy with that and not a bad pace either.

Waverley Dash 10k 14th July 2019 in Aid of Prostate Cancer

I arrived at the Winter Green ready to register about 9.40am, there were already lots of clubs In their club kits and runners milling around. Some very athletic looking runners among them.

I was so excited when it came to registering to find that my club t shirt had arrived, so pleased I had choosen the blue Cameo’s this morning a perfect match, my first Grand Pix race and a race our club had organised in  the Handsworth Roadhogs kit. I know it sounds really silly but it made me feel like I was a part of something and a sense of belonging. I was no longer a lone runner. (not that I ever was with my fab running buddies by my side)

We set off at 10.35 on our walk to the starting point, little did we know the start was 1 mile away from where we had registered! Good job we strolled across when we did, climbing up a steep hill to where the starting banner was sat. So pleased the banner was at the top and not the bottom.

With Sharon marshaling this one she went on ahead to get positioned in her post and it wasn’t too long before her daughter who’d decided to run this one was pre warning me to pace it as shed been informed this was a hilly one with some steep areas early on. Cheers for that one, got to love those uphill flat bits!

This was the first real race event I had ran alone, I knew I wasn’t really alone Sharon’s daughter was there and I was surrounded with a good few hundred other runners, but I was missing my pacing team and had decided to not run with ear phones on this one. I’m not entirely sure ear phones were allowed to be honest.

Looking around I could see some proper athletic type runners and knew these would be off and away before I even got to the first K mark, so I positioned myself just behind them but before the 5K lot as they were setting off a few minutes behind.

The horn was sounded and off we went down a trail type path with high grass on either side. I could see all the power runners sprinting off ahead and knew if I allowed myself to get caught up in their speed it would not be long before I would struggle. So I paced it down a bit and told myself it did not matter where I came number wise, running for me has never been about speed its been about completing runs and increasing distances, knowing that every time I ran a race I was improving personally and it was all adding to the training.

About 3.5K in one of the fellow Roadhog ladies ran alongside me when I asked if she was ok her reply was I will be I 1.5K, this got me thinking whats coming up in 1.5k, what do I need to prepare myself for I was hoping all the hills were over with. Then I realised as we came to a marshall holding up a marker and she ran back past me as I was directed to the left, she was doing the 5K. As she past I remember feeling why wasn’t I do the 5K and did ask her if I could go her way lol.

I knew I was starting to feel tired and I started getting a bit angry with myself last weekend I had done 11 miles and not felt this tired until the last couple of miles so how was it that at the 5k mark it felt such an effort? It was warn but no warmer than I had ran in before.

I ran into a woodland area where I was faced with a steep but small incline with Sharon stood directing people, (thanks for the photo Sharon) for a split second I was expecting her to say to carry on up the even steeper incline behind her with small wooden steps so was delighted when she pointed to the left and I heard those words of I think the hard parts over all flattish now.  There were several marshals with cameras and I did try to smile as I passed just in case one good picture was snapped.

I carried on determined and telling myself I could do this and to stop being a whimp. When I arrived at a bridge with steps up I used it as an opportunity to take a breather walking up the steps, slow jog along the bridge and then walking back down the other side I knew if I had ran down the steps it would have turned into more of tumble with disastrous outcomes doing a loop and returning back over the bridge again using it as another 60 second walk. At the bottom stood a fellow Roadhog marshaling, who cheered me on asking me who I was as and commenting on the blue cameo tikkis, I had yet to meet most of them with only running on the ladies night yet but already everyone who I had seen on route had been friendly and welcoming. Following the route back along the way I’d come until reaching the corner of the lake where a Marshal directed me to the left up a field, I knew looking ahead it wasn’t so much as steep but my word it was a long, gradual incline that seemed to go on and on, this was going to be a tough last stretch to the end. I could see the marshall at the end of the hilly bit so focused all my energy on getting to him, I had come this far this was not going to be the race I didn’t finish. About halfway I knew my legs were giving up so took it a step back again and took it as an opportunity to walk quick whist taking a drink before starting to run again and before I knew it I was at the top, last 800meters to go as I went out onto the road and round a corner. As I turned I could see the end and out of no where came a sudden adrenaline rush I wasn’t crawling through the finish line I wanted to sprint through. I seemed to have found a new pair of legs as I pushed along quickening pace down the path way to the end!! Yay another one in the bag!!

I stood on the side line to cheer in the remaining runners not sure how many more were left but I knew Rebekka wasn’t far behind.

I was so relieved to hear even some of the more athletic runners saying it was a tough one, as they waited for others to come in, it made me feel so much better about how tough I had found it.

Shortly after I had finished, Suzie and Stu turned the corner after having spent ages round the housing looking for the finish line and it wasn’t much longer before Rebekka came up the finishing stretch. Suzie managed to claim a medal for her cheering skills 🙂

Slow walk back to the pub through the houses for a victory glass of wine, it has to be done at every race! Many of the Roadhogs came over and introduced themselves to me, whilst Suzie played on the park area some even asking about my running plans for the future which really made me feel part of the group.

Once the crowds had gone and tables started emptying we decided to stay at the winter green for carvery. Well what can I say, the surprise I got when I went to the counter and discovered Stu had ordered giant Yorkshire puddings!! I was definitely podged when done! Definitely flexible syns being used today. To be honest I didn’t manage it all but gave it a good go!