Sunday 9th Febuary – Storm Ciara not stopping me!

Thanks to storm Ciara my long outdoor run has gone out the window this morning.
Determined to cover at least 14 miles this week as next week I’ll need to drop down for my half marathon at Blackpool out came the gym card, I pad loaded up with episodes of the stranger, tailwind prepared and off went at just gone 8am after my breakfast of porridge to get me going.

Since selling my treadmil which was bought for these times after not getting on with it and it collecting dust I’d not ran on a treadmil. I recall the last time I got on mine I struggled to cover 3k so was not looking forward to today’s milage.

I set up my treadmill upon arrival Ipad in place, 2 water bottles filled with tailwind and my towel.

I’d recently bought tailwind after all the reviews I’d read having only used it on shorter runs till today I was interested to see how it would fuel me.
I’d already decided it wasn’t about time today it was about getting the millage in so I set off with an incline of 1 and up to 6.5 speed which felt comfortable and away I went watching my netfliks.
I was surprised how I soon got into a comfortable pace and how watching the series helped to take my eyes away from clock watching and before I knew it I was starting on my second episode feeling very comfortable.
As I hit around the 1 hour mark the treadmill started to shut down on me, little did I know apparently they have a cut off time for using on manual. After pressing some buttons and not getting no where I moved onto the next treadmil at the side of me and began again using same pace and incline.
After 2 hours in the treadmil began shutting down on me again. I looked around but all the treadmills had filled up, in fact the gym had filled up around me without evening realising it I’d been that engrossed watching The Stranger.
It was at this point I realised if you step off onto the sides you can re set it to restart so no tread mil hopping required 🤣🤣.
Still feeling strong I continued along the way and was surprised to see over 13 miles gone when I glanced at my watch. My downloads finished at 14 and half miles determined I still felt like I had more to give I carried on till 15 miles, although I could have continued I’m also not daft and 15 miles was the longest I’d ran and a mile longer than what was on my plan I was well happy.
Tailwind had also done its job of keeping me hydrated and fueled for those 15 miles. So definetly going to be using moving forward.
My plan for the day was complete time for lunch of pasta and chicken followed by a bath woth epsom salts.

Greatful of Suzies tablet today 😁

Tuesday 4th February, one of those runs :(

Today’s run was just wrong from the start, I don’t know why everything just felt wrong from the way my rucksack and clothing felt to my joints feeling achy and just not right. Not achy from training. Not sure if I was starting to come down with something or if it really was just one of those runs.
But I was determined any miles were better than no miles. No idea why I took the rucksack as there was no way this was going to be a long one but on it went and out the door I went down the trail.  Maybe I thought once I got out I would feel better and go further.

I decided to try going towards PoolsBrook not sure why something just tol me Rothervalley wasn’t going to happen today. Maybe I thought if I plodded down the trail which was empty I would keep poldding.

I got to the 2.5k markish and knew my body just wasn’t playing today so decided to return home covering just over 5k feeling like i’d already ran a Marathon.  Disappointed with lack of mileage but think I just need to accept today is just one of those runs and not get too hung up on it.

At least some mileage is better that no millage.


Reflection of January’s Training

January’s training plan might not have gone 100 percent to plan but equally upon reflection its not been a complete disaster either.
After not running much for a couple of months prior to Christmas, I’ve got my mileage back up to a comfortable 12 miles this month on 26th January, so proud of myself for that.

I’ve reassessed my plan recently as well as realistically the 3 x 20 mile runs I had planned in just were no longer realistic. These were all placed into my plan back in October when I had been training hard and felt I could really push for a sub 5.00 time wise. Now my goal really is just to get round the course in one piece, injury free and enjoy my first Marathon.

So I have looked at my next two months. OMG!!! 2 months or 10 weeks to go. Think I prefer 10 weeks it sounds better. It really does only seem two minutes ago I was signing up for this crazy idea. I have planned in my mileage changes, building on my 12 miles and also increasing smaller runs in the week. Think I need to look at some strengthening work and hill running but with so much to think about it really is an overload of information sometimes.
I have paid to be part of cheesecake runner club hub which is filled with lots and lots of great information with out the jargon but really need to find the time to sit and listen to the pod casts especially strength and nutrition.

I have got 2 half marathons coming up The Great North East (Blackpool) on 16th Fabuary and Retford on the 8th March. My plan is to use these as training runs for distance and checking fuel etc but not as personal bests or to stress my self out over timings. Ive just signed up for a 20 mile run in Lancaster, The Trimpell 20 on 15th March,after much debating I decided this would fit in great as my 20 mile run before taper begins. If I get to 20 before then great if not this will be my longest run ill do before doing the full 26.2 miles

Today’s moto, day at a time, stick to the plan and every step is all adding up, I can do this, I will do this!!

19/1/20 – Pools Book and back

Determined to push those miles today I set alarm for fueling for an early start.
Normally my breakfast consists of Porridge but decided to give bagel, laughing cow light, scrambled egg and smoked salmon a go followed half an hour prior to run with banna.

Whilst breakfast settled I packed up my running bag. After having done some reading I decided to pack up more fuel to use along the way than in past long runs.
So in went 3 gels, a review and one for before starting, dextrose tablets and 3 water tablets in bladder with 2L of water.

Off I went it was a frosty morning and you could see the ice underfoot 🙄 a little worrying at first but I fell into pace and soon felt confident underfoot despite seeing the frozen puddles (which I ran round) I headed off down the trail towards poolsbrook my aim for the day was to at least run their and back but if feeling strong enough add in a run around Poolsbrook for the extra milage.
Although it was frosty the sun light was coming through the trees on the trail and overall it was  really good weather for being out. I’d told myself from the start I wasn’t going to rush but fall into a pace that felt comfortable without pushing it which is exactly what I did. I didn’t even look at my watch so had no idea of pace till I returned home.

I’d not so long since passed the bridge at Renishaw when a young gent pulled up beside me and began chatting to me asking me if I was training for a marathon.
It was nice to chat and his words of motivation that I was beating everyone on the couch really spurred me on leaving me feel confident.

It was only later on I discovered he was a friend of a friend and part of my running club.

I continued a bit further to around the 4 mile mark and decided to take on an energy gel rather than leaving it till later, in the past I’d only taken one about 10 mile mark for fear they would upset my stomach but realised I needed to fuel more and the best way to prepare was to get used to doing it in training runs.
I don’t know if it was the gel or all in my head but about 10 minutes later I felt a surge of energy in my legs like they had gone lighter.
I continued along the trail and on to Pools rook, feeling motivated decided whilst I was here I might as well take a trip around the lake. Once around as I reached the hilly part back out to the trail I used the hill as an opportunity to take on another gel whilst I walked up before carrying on back down the trail the same way I’d come in.
When I reached the bridge at renishaw I knew I was homeward bound and took on board the last gel. Admitidly I did walk the hill but up Walford road once off the trail home don’t think the legs were up to being pushed running up that bit but used it as a cool down.


As I walked through the gate my first thoughts to my self were Manchester I’m comming to get you, feeling so much more confident that I will finish in April regardless of time now that I’ve done a decent distant.

15/1/2020 A not so short run 😁

So today’s run was never intended on being a longer one but it’s funny how these things pan out, sometimes things just fall in to place and work.

With Suzie at Nanans for the day and having returned from a works meeting I decided to take advantage of having a rare Wednesday afternoon spare and hit the trail.
Maybe something in me knew today wasn’t going to be a5k day as I packed up my running rucksac and water bladder gels and dextrose tablets included.
I set off down the trail with the intention to plod at a steady comfortable pace and see how far I could get. I just felt like I needed to get out.
I fancied a change of scenery from the usual Rothervalley route so decided to head along the trail in opposite direction to Pools Brook.
I started off fast and knew my pace was way to quick so pulled it back within first few minutes and tried to get into a steady but consistent pace that didn’t leave me breathless. Once settled into a pace it felt right to be running along the trail. At the 4 mile mark I decided to return woth the sun starting to fade and having no idea what time the light would start to dissappear I didn’t wa t to risk returning on the trail in the dark with no light and alone.  (I realised later on I most likely had plenty of time left)

As I came up the hill and rounded the corner to home I checked my watch for distance status and discovered I was 0.30 off hitting the 8 mile mark. Determined to see that 8 I continued down into the nearby streets culdesac and in and out of their parking area several times, to any non run I looked like I lost the plot 😂😂, but seeing the 8 on my watch was so worth it. The miles are starting to come back and with every run I feel more confident.

A week of walking, but better than nothing.

So after being all motivated ready to get back on training with a plan to pound the streets in place the dreaded chesty cough, sinus and generally any germs going hit me.
I have to admit I really did wonder at one point if these were all signs I should back off from my goals. Was something somewhere telling me this wasn’t meant to be?

Then I told my self to stop being stupid, we make our own destiny. I’m not expecting to fly through the finish looking like a top athlete but what I am still aiming for is to finish no matter what time or state although I would like to be in one piece and reach the end before it gets dark 😂😂

I was still feeling wheezy at the start of this week so I decided as oppose to sitting and doing noting I needed to get out and stretch these abandoned legs.
Thanks to my day job as a Slimming World Consultant I have 10,000 leaflets all to be delivered in time for the new year, yay!! Arnt I lucky 😁.
Surley walking miles is better than nothing and will help build up my muscles again?
My plan was to leaflet this week and my first steady run will be New years Eve at Tattersall Lakes, a nice flat plod around the lake before dropping into the jacuzzi 😂😂.

I’ve covered endless driveways, letterboxes I’m sure some houses have hidden their letterboxes and build their drives on mount everest on purpose, but it’s all added up in strengthing my legs and boy do I feel it. Its also helped boost my confidence. I know getting back up to speed is going to be tough but I feel I can do it.

Sunday 22nd my first morning out, 12.69miles – look at those Calories burned! No wonder I lost 2.5lbs at the scales on the Tuesday.

Wednesday 26th (yes boxing day!) – 9.37 miles. All I could focus on was how many miles do I need to do to wear off a Christmas pudding from yesterday 😂😂. Prior to returning back to mums today for more food.

Saturday 28th – spent the morning with my amazing members and then pottered about for 6.9miles

Sunday 29th –  knew today was going to be a big leaflet push day so up and fuled with my bowl of porridge. Another 9 1/2 miles of leafleting done. Killamarsh is a hilly area with lots of steep driveways, I may have been walking today but deffinetly some hill work carried out.

Monday 30th – last day leafleting in 2020, headed out to Mosbrough early today as in group this evening. Managed to get a good few hours in

Just one last commitment now before we see in 2020, to go for a run today when we arrive at Tattersall, better get the kit packed 😁

First one out in over 3 weeks!!

Saw this the other day, 5 to be exact, I was scrolling through my emails when I discovered this one.

What only 4 months to go! Seriously that can’t possibly be right? Can it?

It was this point I realised with lack of running over the past 4 weeks due to circumstances beyond my control mixed with lack of daylight meant my training really had taken a nose dive.

So after sitting and seriously contemplating deferring my place with no belief in my self Ive told myself to buck up my ideas, get those plans in place and those trainers dusted off because this girl can and will cross that finish line even if I have to walk it.
I know I’ll need to put more effort in and ramp up the training no matter what the weather throws at me. I just hope the white stuff dosnt turn up.

So here I am porridge prior to run and a cuppa before going out for a gentle plod.
Today wasn’t about breaking record times or distances it was about just getting these legs going again and taking that scary step back out the door. Not sure why it seems so scary.

I set off down the road passing the trail entrance. I can imagine it would be pretty boggy so decided to follow the road round pass midland and enter Roethervalley via the main road trail entrance.
Knowing today would be a tough one I kept to a slow pace, I’m pretty sure I could have walked faster at times (that may be an exaggeration but what it felt like at times)
I followed the trail to the end then down onto the lake deciding to turn right as oppose to running round the whole lake today.
The path round the lake was icy and I could feel my feet slip several times I really must invest in trail trainers in new year along side a new pair of normal running ones.
Running back the way I had come to the main road. I stopped at the bottom of the hill and walked the hill back up home. Today was not a day for hill training, it really was just a day for being proud of getting out and doing what I could.

Feeling more positive now so this afternoons plan is to plan my 16 weeks of training and read my marathon training guide.

Here’s to the next 16 weeks!!

October 13th Manchester Half Marathon

Alarm sounded at 6am, to be honest I was already awake and pottering about and had been for about half hour. Suzie woke shortly after me which helped to occupy my mind slightly whilst the time on the clock ticked away.

Breakfast was porridge, to be honest I had to force it down, if you’ve ever forced your self to eat porridge when you don’t really want it you’ll understand its an effort. It was a necessity today I knew I couldn’t go out there unless I was fuelled right. This was followed by a banana about an hour after.

As I watched the light come up over Salford Queys, the nerves began to grow I really had no idea what today would throw at me all I knew was I had trained for this and no matter what I would cross that line even if I had to walk.

I started to get ready taking my laid out items one by one, checking off my check list, making sure I had everything, and before I knew it it was time to Say good bye to Stu and Suzie.

It was raining out so I’d prepared myself with an old zip up hoody to throw on whilst I walked my way over to the start. The 1.2 mile walk to the starting area really didn’t feel that long. Yes thats me in the light grey hoody on the bridge.

I followed the quays along and really need ant have been nervous about finding my way to my designated pen area there was plenty of people to follow and our pen was the first I discovered right next to the rows of loos which I spent nearly an hour debating if I wanted to go and que to then discovering if you leave it till they start the first wave off there’s no que. Turns out I didn’t actually need to use them at all but worth noting for the full.

As I stood around you could feel the nervousness of others I think it was at this point I realised I wasn’t alone and started to relax. I spoke to a couple of lovely young ladies both first time and running alone, our joking about the sweeper trucks which were lined up behind haunting us seemed to make that 45 minute wait go quiet quick. Although stood in the rain was beginning to get cold and I have to be honest I was pleased when we were ushered forward to the start line, it was at this point I decided to pop a revies strip in my mouth to get me going. This is the point where every one began to strip off their top layers throwing on a nearby platform, which is where mine went. I really hope they go to a good cause and are not just thrown away, I felt quiet guilty throwing clothing away knowing the streets were lined with people who appreciate the items to keep warm, but with no one at the start with me I had no option. I would be interested if anyone knows what happens to them all do let me know.

We had a practice wave and I think this is when excitement started in my belly and then the countdown began before I knew it pink smoke was being dispersed from the start line and off we were going!

I don’t recall when it actually stopped raining but I’m pretty sure it was early on. Also the route is a little blurred as I was so engrossed in just soaking up the atmosphere and the surroundings that I really didn’t notice where I was in relation to the route map. I had set my self a pace now I was off I wanted to run it all no matter how slow I was determined I wasn’t stopping so I tried to stay between 7 and 7.30 as a pace, a pace I had trained with on longer runs towards the end.

For the first five / ten minutes there was so many of us that you really couldn’t have raced off if you wanted to which was a good thing because it gave me time to settle into m pace no one else’s. I remember seeing the board displaying Not everyone can be like Mo, just be you quick or slow which made me smile, that’s exactly what I was going to be , myself.

The one mile marker seemed to come so quick. I remember coming back past the start point after the first loop and they were already starting to dismantle the start line (nothing like being quick).

As we started to come round the corner to just before Mile 3 marker I could see a que for the porta loos, I had many conversations in my head in the 2 ½ hours I was going round but particularly remember telling myself that was about 10 people I had just passed and remember feeling very please with myself. As I passed the 3 mile marker I remember turning to the lady at the side of me (apologies to people along route who were blessed with my random conversations) and saying single figures left now yay! Not sure she got what I meant but hey ho.

I didn’t stop at the drinks station as I didn’t need to with my water bladder on my back I was able to sip as I went along helping me to be able to keep my pace.

I remember going past the large board announcing we were in Sale, about 4 .5 miles in, and chuckling to myself it was only a couple of weeks ago I was watching someone who had filmed their half marathon and who had made a bit of a joke about not being able to stop for the sales, its amazing how little things stick in our minds.

I remember it changing from the main roads into smaller back streets at some point but not entirely sure where that point was. Although there had been supporters all the way from the start cheering us on when we entered the smaller housing estates the support took on another level. Kids high fiving and handing out jelly babies ( I only had one but I am positive this caused me slight stitch around mile 7 mark, note to ones self for future reference to trail eating on route) tables of people with cake! Yes you read right cake. I have no idea how you eat cake and run and wasn’t about to find out so did pass on that one but thank you to that person for their kind offerings.

Mile 8 to 9 seemed to be a long one, not in the sense of I was struggling in fact I felt really strong, I wasn’t out of breath my pace was serving me well, don’t get me wrong I didn’t feel full of athletic energy but I felt good, it just felt like ages before we saw the mile 10 marker.

As I passed the Mile 10 marker I remember turning to whoever was around me and randomly saying that’s it now homeward stretch. There definitely was no way I was stopping or walking now. It was about this point I popped a Dextrose tablet in and then followed that with another Revies strip. I had contemplated taking a gel from one of the stations (I’d already come pre pared with one of my own as well) but didn’t feel like I needed it.

I remember seeing Mile 13 marker ahead and immediately behind it the finish line, I could feel the emotions start to rise and remember pointing forward and telling one of the marshal’s that there was no stopping me know the end was near. I seemed to suddenly find a new burst of energy, not convinced it was the dextrose table and revie I had taken earlier, I think it was pure adrenalin. I remember passing a couple of ladies towards the end, I could see they were struggling one of them was walking and shouting at them come on you can do it you’ve come this far. Then out of no where as I passed the mile 13 marker my legs grew a mind of their own they turned into sprinters legs, m face also grew a mind of its own, I could feel a huge smile across my face forming as I sprinted in through the finish line I had done it!!! I had gone from non runner to running a half marathon in just over 7 months.


I love this one with my flying feet

I look like I am on a mission here as I sprinted to the finish line

I do recall seeing a gentleman singing think he was playing a guitar, The rock star choir, a local radio station blasting out the tunes amongst the many other supporters and marshals ringing bells, shouting out my name, yes my name! Complete strangers were routing for me! How kind is that. I recall a gent about mile 9 ish shouting “that’s a fab pace your doing Laura, keep going you’ve got this (I did wonder if he’d been listening to me and my favorite saying in group lol) I couldn’t tell you where abouts on the course these people were but my thanks goes out to each and everyone of you. The atmosphere and support really did make such a difference to me as a first timer and I know it will have been the same for the others.

I collected my medal and I think that’s when jelly legs started to make an appearance as they realised what they had achieved, these legs had done me proud and I remember slapping them at the side and saying thank you legs. I followed the man-made walkway round for what felt like quiet a while not quiet sure where I was going or where Stu would be waiting but this was a one way only system so that was the way I was going. I picked up my free beer and then further down my bottle of water as I made my way round to the village area, filled with food stalls and proud people taking pictures. It was just out side the gates where I’d found Stu and Suzie in the buggy asleep.

Time for a stroll back to the apartment for a well earned bath before having dinner out.

Before I started I had given myself an idea of time I wanted to complete it in and had said if I completed it within the three hour mark I would be really happy so to complete m first one in 2 hours 37minutes I am happy with that!!

Now to think about the next training plan for the Full Marathon in April!

22/9/19 – Global 10k Rothervalley

I have to be honest I’m really not feeling that pre race excitement this morning, but I know I need this one for the distance and to prove to myself I can do this.

It’s been awhile since I feel like I covered a great distance, never did I think I would be saying that, a great distance to me used to be 3 minutes running when I fist started. I know my training hasn’t been going to plan as much as I would have liked. I am missing some blogs so please don’t think I’ve completely abandoned my running commitments. I just haven’t been covering the distance I would have liked a few 5ks here and there.

My aim today is not to beat any record timings but to just get through the finish line.

Having not really fueled myself right food wise for several days I made sure last night was a pasta dish and woke with plenty of time to have porridge and then a pre race banana.

As I sat on the edge of the bed putting on my trainers I could hear the heavens open. It was going to be a wet one, on the plus side it meant I didn’t need to waist time drying my hair from my shower.

I decided to drive to Rothervalley and conserve my energy for the task at hand.

As I parked up the parking attendant came over and did inform me if I wanted to save my legs there were more spaces further down, why I chose to stay where I was and didn’t take his advice is beyond me as I didn’t realise the start was way past the entrance to the second lake. By this time I was already dripping wet. I stopped off for a pre race loo stop whilst I was passing the toilets, as I stood in the que I noticed a set of funky, matching my own, legs approaching me there was only one person they could belong to, Sharon. Great minds must think alike!

I can tell you pulling Lycra down when soaked is tough but pulling them back up really is no fun!

I did start to get a little concerned that I may need to shout for assistance! Could you imagine the headline, runner retrieved from portaloo, unable to pull up tikkis.

We huddled for a short while in the tent taking our compulsory pre run photos but wasn’t waiting long till we were directed to the start line which I was grateful for already starting to get cold from the wet clothes.

The horn sounded and we were off, I knew there was no way I would keep up with Sharon and het speedy legs today so went with a pace I was comfortable, I tried to not set off too quick knowing I would regret this later if I did.

We started on grass which was a first for me and I have to admit felt a bit wiered, but didn’t last long thank fully although it wasn’t long before we hit a detour from the path down to the waters edge and zig zaging back up to the path all on grass. I have to be honest I don’t think I am a grass runner, I was also a bit concerned to see several large holes big enough to get a foot stuck or sprain an ankle on the grass section. I’d dread to think of the damage that could be done if not paying attention.

At the 3K mark I have to be honest I felt like I could have sat on the grass and stayed there. I think an emotional draining week had finally caught up with me and being alone running with my thoughts was giving me way too much thinking time. If I am honest I also think I was going through a patch of dis belief in myself, not sure if this was cause my training hadn’t been going to plan or if it was just because the big day was getting closer.

I gave myself a bit of a telling off, I could do this I’d done 10ks before step at a time, one foot in front of the other it would all get me to that finish line. As I approached the half way point I could hear cheering and the gent on the microphone talking to the first gent to finish!! wow!!! He must have proper bombed it round, I was never going to be one of those runners but now past half way I knew I could do this and continued round.

I’d set my sights on a young lady just in front and gave myself a gaol of keeping pace with her, I wanted to come in just after her. This gave me something to focus on, as we hit the 7k ish mark the lady in front started to take walking breaks, I have nothing against walking breaks if you need to take them take them but this made me feel stronger as I felt comfortable now knowing the pace I was going would see me through the full course.

As I passed the cafe and my car parked up I knew I’d got this. I started running down the partitioned run way to the end and knew I had more to give so gave it my all and sprinted through the finish line. Today had been one of my most emotional runs and it showed as the tears started running down my face at the finish line, I’m not even sure why I was crying but quickly wiped them away and replaced them with a smile. I had completed the Global 10k my aim of the day and that’s all that mattered.

It wasn’t till later I realised this was a personal best at a 10k for me which was a surprise. So pleased I made that effort and stuck to my plan.



3 WEEKS!!!

Oh My, Where did the time go? It seems like yesterday I was signing up to this crazy idea having only just completed couch to 5k and then my first 10k run and now its so scary.

After an emotional week family wise this week the doubts are creeping in, Ive ran two 11 mile and and one 12 mile run over the past few months but that little voice in my head is saying am I really capable of doing this? Especially after my last few runs.

So it’s time to get my amazing quote board out from an inspirational member of mine and start using those quotes each day. I can and I will do this!!