All about my running, marathons, training etc…
You may or may not be thinking or asking what is Jeffing? If you already know you may want to jog on from this first bit, for those of you who are interested and no idea here’s a little bit about Jeffing, the technique I’m going to use to get me across the finish line of my first marathon.
A gentleman called Jeff Galloway designed the Jeffing method in 1973! Yup it really has been around all these years and yet still so many people haven’t heard of this amazing technique. It was designed to help beginners start running. Using strategic walk breaks allow each runner to control fatigue, virtually eliminating significant running injuries. Jeff now has a range of training plans and e coaching runners starting with 5k’s all the way to marathon training. If it’s something you are thinking i’d like to give that a go or find out more about it then check him out online.
After reading his Marathon you can do it book ( which I highly recommend), I was left feeling inspired and ready to change my Marathon training plan from running to Jeffing. So I sat down and put together a plan based on Jeffs Marathon plan in his book. As with all plans I know things might get moved around, you have to be prepared for that flexibility. Normally I would have holidays etc worked into my plan but under the circumstances majority of our main ones have had to be postponed till next year so if any breaks go ahead ill work them in as and when they occur. Putting together a plan based on Jeffs Marathon training plan has helped me refocus and given me an idea of millage to be covering each week to get me through that finish line.
So here it is Jeffing my way to a marathon blog section. I will blog week by week all 26 weeks worth of training and then do a full on the day blog of the big day.
At the moment my running routes are limited due to current isolation guidelines and are alone so i’m not promising blogs full of giggles or exciting stuff bur who knows what these weeks will bring and I’d love to have you following me.
Monday 6/4/20 – Just a short one to start the week off, I headed off down the track to the trail and decided to right once on trail away from Rothervalley for a change. Sticking to my 30:30 ratio (30 secs walk / 30 secs running) I ran up to the gap in the fence then went down onto the bottom track running back towards home. Covering just over 2.5 miles. It seemed so measly compared to the millage I had been doing a couple of months ago but I knew I had to follow my plan and not over do things.
Wednesday 8/4/20 – Decided to cover a bit further today and headed off down to Rothervalley. The weather was lovely and it felt good to be wearing my Capris and vest top as opposed to base layers and gloves. The only downside to the seasons changing is that my wheeze at the start of my runs was back. Although this soon disappeared a couple of km in I knew I needed to start slower bot to prevent the wheezing but also 26.2 miles was no walk in the park and I knew starting to quick could be the make of break of longer runs as the mileage increased so getting into good habits now would help me along the way. Keeping my 30:30 ratio I went down the trail and onto the lakes deciding I would go round both lakes, 5 miles covered and feeling strong! I have to say i’m really enjoying Jeffing.
Thursday 9/4/20 – Leisurely stroll day today. With the weather so nice it’s a shame to be stuck indoors so keeping social distances of course Suzie and I headed down for a gestalt stroll around both lakes. We really are so lucky to have all this on our doorstep and be able to get out during these tough times.
Saturday 11/4/20 – Long run day today as a family Birthday walk is planned tomorrow. By long run my plan states 3 miles which to be honest doesn’t feel like I am challenging myself or pushing myself at the moment but I need to remember I have gone back to the very start of a training plan and pushing too hard too soon will only lead to injury.
I have been covering an average of 4 – 5 miles on most days i’ve been out so I set out with the intention of seeing how I felt but doing no more than 6 Miles max.
I took my usual route, but decided I felt strong enough to add in an extra stretch by passing my usual exit and getting off at the second exit and coming back along the trail which I knew would cover the extra mileage. Another good run today finishing the week feeling pleased.
Sunday 12/4/20 – Today should have been a rest day, I know how important resting is but we had planned a family, social distanced stroll around Rothervalley for my birthday so we took a slow plod. It was a slow plod so no danger of over exerting myself today, with Stu, Suzie and Jaffa (the beagle). Suzie enjoyed stretching her legs and looking at the ducks, before climbing into the buggy ¾ of the way round just before the heavens opened and decided to soak us all. Typically it stopped when we reached our garden gate, a bit of rain never hurt anyone and it was nice to escape the house as a family.
Apologies for my lack of blogging. It feels like it has been months since I last blogged, probably because it has been but so much has happened that to try to catch up with blogs would be a tough one. So I have decided to do a quick catch up post and then restart my blogging this week.
It was 4 weeks prior to what should have been the big day of the Manchester Marathon when I had my first Physio session and was diagnosed officially with ITT Band issues. The world was just starting to enter the first stages of the Corona Virus and the thought that the big day would be cancelled was still just a small thought at this point.
I went with a heavy heart expecting to be told there would be no way I’d make the start line, instead I was given ultrasound and deep tissue massage and told if I followed advice I could still be within a chance.
So that week I followed a strict routine of no running, who would have thought that not running for just 1 week would have driven me so crazy! But I kept my promise knowing that it would get me to that start line, I followed a daily set of strengthening exercises. My word I am not a fan of side planks and walking planks killed my stomach muscles for the first few days but I stuck with it alongside the routine 3 times a day icing of the knee area.
During this week I did a lot of research and reading up on the Jeffing method. I realised to get me to the finish I may have to change my approach. The more I read up on this idea the more I wanted to give it ago.
For anyone unfamiliar with the term Jeffing it’s a very effective method designed by an american gent Jeff Galloway where you mix intervals of running and walking from the very start. This allows better recovery of the muscles, runners to go further with less risk of injuries and more enjoyment.
If you ever get a chance to read his Jeffing a marathon book I really would recommend it, for me it was a real eye opener.
I re-visited the Physio the week after and received another ultrasound and deep tissue massage. I was then told I was able to re-start the introduction of running but light runs 15 minutes first then increasing this by another 15 minutes and including a walk break every 5 minutes.
After having considered the Jeffing system I had already decided I was going to give it a go and set out doing a 60:30 ratio, so 60 seconds running to 30 seconds walk. The first run took me longer to get dressed for than I actually ran but I had promised not to over do it and risk flaring up my knee. It was strange running then walking and I had to really commit to not just running the 15 minutes but by the end I found I was quiet enjoying it. I knew my ratio’s would take some getting used to and need playing around with but I was quite excited to be taking on a new challenge and the thought that this really may be the way to cross that finish line for me.
I made my third visit to the Physio the week after, this is were things were starting to get a little more scarier in the world and the thought that the organisers may have to make the decision to cancel the event was starting to feel more real. Happy with my progress we decided my appointment could move to fortnightly and I could continue to increase my mileage and running time gradually.
Little did I know that life would change from the next day.
Tuesday is really when things took a turn in my life, I had to close the doors that day to my Slimming World groups, never knowing if or when they would re open.It turns out three weeks later I made the decision to step down from role as a consultant making a decision I knew would change my life. I’d had five amazing years at building up my groups, being part of members’ amazing journeys, but up until trying to make this work from home I had never really worked out the hours I was putting in. Lets just say it was a lot and I decided I wanted to be able to switch off from my work in an evening and give my family the time they deserved from me.
I started on an emotional roller coaster ride, one I am still on and believe I will be on for a while as will most people. I never realised how much running would play a part in keeping me sane during this time.
That weekend the announcement came in everything I had been looking forward to planning and training for, was taken away. The marathon had been cancelled, Although I agreed with the reasons,I went through a series of feelings. First it was disappointment and upset. I had spent a year building up to this date, early mornings, running in all weathers. Then it turned into determination. Just because I was not crossing that line on April 5th 2020 didn’t mean I was never going to cross it. This extra time meant I could strengthen the training I had already put in crossing that line stronger!
By that weekend the Corona Virus had really started to up its pace in the world, taking thousands of life’s and it was decided as a country we would go into isolation with strict measures in place only being allowed out of our houses for exercise and essentials such as shopping whilst maintaining a social distancing at all times. Some countries at this point had banned things such as exercise at this point so just to be able to get out once a day was a blessing to me. The world was turning into an erie place full of uncertainty. So much had changed over the last couple of weeks things felt so unreal.
I’d already eyed up the garden and realised it would be too much of a krypton factor for me to run in. Dodging the slide, swing, dog child etc spelled disaster. So being able to have access to the trail and Rothervalley really was my saviour.
Jeffing gave me a new challenge to focus on, a new plan. When the new date 11th October 2020 was released for the Manchester Marathon I decided to re start my training with a brand new plan.
By this time I had spent a few weeks building back up to around the 5 mile mark by using a Jeffing ratio of 30:30 which I found to be quite comfortable, with no knee pain so decided to plan a whole new training plan based on Jeff Galloways marathon training plan.
Which leads me up to where I am today, My first week of my new marathon training plan!
I have decided to start a whole new blog category to follow for my new plan. I promise to blog every week as opposed to every run unless there’s anything extra exciting to share with you, all the way to that finish line in October.
After our first Junior park run I Stu dropped me off at the entrance on the train towards Poolsbrook country park and off I went with 18 miles planned. I had planned to do round Poolsbrook then back along the trail to Rothervalley including a few loops to make up the mileage needed for today’s training run.
As I set off I just didn’t feel right and as Stu pulled away in the car I felt almost a panic, not sure why but determined I needed to get these runs in with the weeks quickly passing and the starting date getting nearer I pushed on down the track finding my pace.
As I hit Pools brook I decided to do two laps round as knew i’d need to make up for the lack of millage down the track having started in Stavely, then headed back along the track towards Rothervalley about 4.5 miles in I could feel my knee starting to hurt something which was greatly worrying me know so I made the decision when I got to the turn off on the track for home I would reluctantly make my way back and have to admit defeat at just 8.5 miles 🙁
I felt like my legs had the strength to go on for many more miles but that niggling in my right knee I knew would be extremely painful if I pushed through and carried on.
So I returned home where I iced the knee area before pending the day feeling sorry for myself, could this be the turning point in my training, Had I not done enough strength training, was Manchester even going to happen.
I decided after lots of forum advice to seek a physio out first thing in the morning after all I was no professional and could be making a mountain out of a mole hill. Ill keep you posted on the out come!
Proud mummy day today, although every day is proud mummy day for me today was even more so.
We attended our first Junior park run together.
Although Suzie cant register as an official runner so no time or bar code scanned we were told we could go along and run as much or little as we liked.
Watching her get so excited about running with mummy and wearing her cookie monsters really put a smile on my face.
We arrived at the Stavely Junior park run and was instantly made to feel welcome. I had already volunteered Stu to help out as a Marshall as they were short of helpers and he was only going to be standing around any way so might as well be of use.
He was handed a bright bib, whistle and neck chain with official Marshall on it before beginning given his position at the far end of the field across the sludge to his delight.
We gathered for a small warm up pre run before heading to the start line for the count down and we were off. The full route was 4 laps around the field. I could feel Suzie getting excited as we set off and had warn her to go slow we had a long way to go. We ran around and it wasn’t long before we were passing stu for the first time. Shortly after their was a particular boggy area we plotted our way round for least slippage before continuing past the finish tunnel onto our second lap.
Suzie high fived her daddy as we passed him for the second time and crossed the lap marker for the second time as we started to just get past Stu again for the third time Suzie told me she was very tired bless her and at this point I realised 3 laps would be our goal this week so as we came to the lap marker again she ran through the tunnel to the finish!
So proud of her for completing 3 fab laps of her first Junior park run and secretly I think Stu enjoyed helping out and wearing his gear.
Tonight I attended my first Sports massage. Although this isn’t a training run I thought it worth blogging for those of you who may be interested but never took up the courage to book one. Its also part and parcel of my training.
I’ve been saying for awhile I needed to book and look into sports massage but it’s been one of those to do things that I’ve never got the courage to go ahead and book.
So when Sharon tagged me in Keep Active Muscle Therapy’s Facebook post offering a free sports massage I thought what have I got to lose.
I really was not sure what to expect to be honest. Having heard horror stories about sports massage and how painful it was I was a little nervous.
From the minute I stepped in the door I was made to feel welcome by Sian and Simon.
After going through some routine health questions and asking if I had any particular areas of concern etc, Sian took me into a conservatory area and explained the process.
As she went through the sports massage she explained what she was working on and the reasons. I’d love to be able to tell you all those big long words and body parts she was mentioning but the minute she’d said them I forgot lol. I was forewarned it wasn’t like a spa type massage and was meant to work the muscles to rid of any tightness and knots but was also told it was as brutal as i’d probably heard.
When we had finished I was given some advice on using sports balls along my legs after runs to prevent tightness (something I had been looking at prior to the massage so ordered as soon as I returned home) and I booked back in for another one on the 11th. I was advised if running tomorrow to only do a light low millage run even if I felt OK which was perfect as running with the Handsworth RoadHog ladies would enable me to do this.
I left feeling ok not hurting in any way. It was only about an hour and half later that it really hit me. My legs felt they had been running for miles and miles but without actually doing it and I felt exhausted and dehydrated in a wired way.
Definitely early night tonight.
17 Miles today and have to be honest legs feeling tight in the back of the calves and heavy really isn’t filling me with positivity for the mileage ahead. My legs haven’t felt like this for a couple of weeks and no idea why they’ve started again, just hoping like in the past once I get going they will keep carrying me.
I woke this morning to discover no bananas left in the fruit bowl! That’s just porridge this morning then! As you can imagine not a happy bunny I like my pre run banana, but with no shops opening till 11am hoping it dose not have too much of an effect on my run today fuel wise.
I was hoping for a dry day today, no such look! As I gazed out the patio windows whilst eating my porridge it was absolutely throwing it down, on the plus side the wind didn’t look too bad. I suppose you cant have everything and the weather could be anything in April.
After breakfast on went the gear and I set my rucksack up whilst waiting for the porridge to settle.
I’d planned in to try using some gels further into the run today alongside Tailwind to see if this would sort the hunger issues I’d had in past two long runs.
After some pre run stretching I set off down the trail towards the canal, my aim at least 16 miles today but really wanted to see 17.
The rain had stopped and in fairness after about 3 miles in I needed to remove my gloves due to things warming up. I fell into my comfortable marathon pace more or less straight away knowing I had many miles to cover I didn’t want to go to quick.
I seemed to reach Renishaw and then the turning for towards the canal so quick today that I had to double check my watch in case I was going quicker than I thought. It turns out I wasn’t.
Running along side the canal made me realise how much rain we had had the past few days and the effects the canal was almost touching the pathway in some places and about 4.5 miles into my run I was faced with raging waters coming from the field into the canal straight across my pathway, no exaggeration this was a welly job to cross. I held onto the fence as the current of the flowing water was quiet strong. The last thing I needed was a damage foot or ankle. After a couple of seconds analysing the situation I realised their was no choice but to go through it and grin and bear the wet feet for the remainder of the run. I was going to take a picture of the water gushing from the field into the canal but by the time I got back to that part it had gone and there wasn’t even really a puddle!
After that I decided with feet sodden no need to hop my around the bigger puddles and just ran through them. It was nice to run along the canal for a change of scenery past Hollingwood hub and onto tapton lock.
It was about mile 9 ish after having turned around at Tapton lock to run the route back home, I started to feel the twinge in my knee, the one that had been popping up in on some of my longer runs recently on the outside of my knee. I knew the mileage I was doing was getting longer, so never expected to not feel any aches or pains throughout training but this just didn’t feel right.
For the first few miles it was there but didn’t really have an effect on my running then it started getting sorer and by mile 15 every time my foot hit the floor I could feel it. At times I felt like like my heel on my right foot was pushing out but my knee was pushing inwards almost like they were fighting against each other.
Although my legs and lungs in them self felt strong and able to carry me so much further, the last mile up home really did take its toll on my knee and I was pleased when I walked into the back garden.
I cooled down and stretched before going into the house and that’s when the soreness really hit me. Simple things climbing up and down stairs was really sore. Something told me this wasn’t just fatigued legs from the mileage ran this was something more troublesome and I should listen to my body. Ice, rest and maybe some googling needed although deep in my thoughts I think I always knew it was ITT band related but with 6 weeks to go so didn’t want to hear everyone’s or no running for several weeks even months to heal it I didn’t have that time.
I woke knowing today’s half would be testing. With the forecast of Storm Dennis bringing around 70mph winds to Blackpool running along the sea front was not going to be any easy run.
With an 11am start I was great full to not have to be so early to eat but at the same time found myself waking before my alarm at 6.45am so then felt I was just clock watching and figiting about.
Although not completely UN nerved I didn’t feel as nervous as I did in Manchester. Maybe cause I knew the start area was straight forward to get to, maybe I had just got use to the race morning routines.
The beauty of staying in self catering accommodation is being in control over pre race dinner the night before which had been Turkey Risotto and breakfast on race morning. The thought of having to eat out and what to eat is just too stressful the night before so booking accommodation like Kennedy House really works for me. A small apartment type style flat but perfect for what I needed.
I made my usual porridge for breakfast at 8am followed by a banana about 9am before starting to get ready. As always I had pre laid all my kit out the night before. I always have this fear of forgetting something important so like to go to bed knowing everything is definitely there, even though I know it is as I’d checked the case a zillion times prior to setting off.
Once dressed I prepped my water bladder with Tailwind and ensured I had 30ps in change just in case I needed a loo stop. In fairness once I get going I’ve not yet had to make that stop but like to be prepared and had been pre warned the toilets were coin operated en rout apart from the start / finish line ones.
We left the apartment and was instantly hit by the blustery cold wind, Thank fully it wasn’t raining and if the forecast was right the rain was going to hold off. My exact words to my husband Stu as we made our way to the tram stop was I must be mad! To which he agreed.
Several tram stops later it was obvious we were at the right one with lost of sportingly dressed people some even running up and down already! Now that is dedication or maybe it was just to keep warm.
We walked down the slope to the lower sea front are where people were starting to gather. I was surprised to see how many people were there and the volume really came to light as we started to move down railed off areas to get ready at the start line.
No pens at this one so i’d already told my self i wanted to be about half way to 3/4 in the starting zone and that I wasn’t going to get caught up with the fast start pace. Last thing I needed was to burn out too early on.
After a couple of speaker difficulties cutting out the starting ladies instructions we were off heading towards the starting flag and then we were off!
We headed out towards the tower all in good spirits, turning at the first turn and going along the very bottom of the sea front. The view of the sea really was a nice site to be looking at whilst running and in fairness the wind didn’t seem to bad down on the bottom. It was at this point I checked in on my watch to ensure pace and discovered it had stopped! So had to mess around re setting it. At that point I made a decision to not look at my watch but to go with how I felt pace wise and enjoy the run. It wasn’t long before we were begin routed around and back up to the mid section to follow back along where we had started and then to loop back onto the bottom level again.
The wind was definitely stronger in the middle section but running was still doable. Again we circled round to the bottom section and began our run all the way along further up the sea front this time.
It was at this point I noticed I was following a gent in a bright yellow waterproof jacket with a yellow t shirt stating he was the 2.30 pacer, at this point I was feeling strong in a decent pace and decided to pace behind or along side him with the though that if I had more to give towards the end I would power past him. It was quiet nice packing along side him even though he may not have known I was stalking him. At one point I thought I’d lost him but then realised without knowing it I had actually passed him and he was now behind me. Legs still feeling strong I carried on with the pace I was at.
The sea front seemed to stretch for miles and miles but the sun had come out and it was a nice view to look at whilst running along. The fast runners were starting to overtake on their second loop and I watched in awe as they ran past full of energy and driving force to speed away. I really wished I had that energy. I am never going to be a speedier racer and do not plan on even trying but do think those that are are amazing runners and must be so dedicated to their training.
The route then took a turn up a small steepish hill coming out on top of the cliffs again where I was instantly hit with hard winds. I could see runners ahead walking and slow motion running.
It was way to windy to keep the pace I was doing so slowed to what felt like a walk at some points but with the wind battering my legs in the wrong direction meant it was a battle to move in some parts. My pacer choose this opportunity to overtake me and there was no way I was going to try keep up so I altered my plan to keeping him in sight knowing that it would mean a time similar to Manchester.
I was great full after about 2.5 miles of battling the route started heading down towards the start line and back along to the turning point which took us back onto the lower and less windier section again.
I had no idea until mile 10 what miles I was covering and where. With no mile markers in place due to the winds apart from cones which to be honest I never saw till I saw the big mile 10 painted on the stone wall I just ran without thinking about the numbers.
I loved the thought that only 3.1 miles left to go what I didn’t like was having to battle with those winds again along the cliff tops, but i’d done it once I could do it again and at least I knew as turned the corner I was homeward bound!
It was at this point I noticed I felt quiet hungry, something I’ve not experienced when running before . Maybe it was the smell of the seaside food surrounding me or maybe I had used up more stores battling the winds. Either way was something I was going to have to look at for much longer runs.
The wind had definitely picked up even more this time round and there were a few places where it was so strong I had no choice but to walk for a minute at a time until past the sections when I could pick up a very and I mean very slow jog to keep moving forward. I could see the tower in the distance slowly getting closer and closer.
As I headed towards a bright yellow sigh with the word FINISH on I felt a sudden surge of energy and picked up the pace to run the last 200 yards in a sprint form, hearing my name shouted by a few supporters from a running group dressed in black (If this was you thank you very much) surged me on and I was through!!!
I had had a cheeky glance at the clock as I came in 235 it had said but knowing this was when they started I still had no idea of my official chip time but felt so excited to find out.
I could hear my name being called and it was at this point I realised my favourite supporter was stood at the side of the finish line holding the camera to capture my achievements. He may not be in my photos but my husband is my rock, he supports each and every run I do, he supports me when I have to go out training in evenings and mornings and without that support I wouldn’t able to do what I do.
He came round to meet me and my first words were “storm Dennis has battered me, lol) not by running the distance, my legs and self actually felt quiet good apart from a small niggle in my right knee which had started the last couple of miles when i had to change to a walk / very slow jog and altered pace, but by the winds. Running when your legs are being pushed in the opposite direction by pure brute wind force is not an easy mission.
In just under a year i’d not only ran one half marathon but two! Something I would never have thought I could do when I picked up that couch25k app the first time back in March 2019.
We didn’t hang around long as the wind was still blowing and I could feel my self getting colder despite putting my jacket on, plus we had reservations at The White Tower Restaurant at 3.45 and I definitely needed a shower.
My hard work was done for the day time to enjoy lunch / dinner and maybe a glass of fizz or two!
Heres to my next race, Retford half marathon on 8th March!
So it would appear doing 2 half marathons (Great North West and Retford) , a 20 miler and a full Marathon is not enough this year as I’ve just signed up for The Great North Run via a charity place with Tommy’s as wasn’t successful with ballot. Am I mad? Maybe, I can’t fully explain what setting these goals does for me, it gives me a driving force and excites me, something I deffinetly didn’t think I’d be saying about running. Here’s to a year filled with goals!
It’s all starting to get real, the training is starting to add up and now Manchester Marathon have provided us with a fab little app which ticks down the time left by the second 😁 not sure if it excites me or terrifies me, I suppose a bit of both if I’m honest. Still 2 halfs and a 20 miler to do yet before I can panic over