- To complete my virtual End to End run, Lands End to John O Groates challenge, All 874 miles with a mixture of running and walking (so something I can focus on even at present time)
- To attempt to complete Great North Run Solo (I’m only on run 4 out of 40 and currently not running so we will see how that goes time and back issues depending)
- To complete 2021 Manchester Marathon on the last day of being 39!! This is one goal that there is no compromise on.
- To run 2021 Great North Run in September
No idea what week of plan I should be on!
You may have been wondering where I have been for June and the start of July? Or maybe you’ve not even noticed the lack of posting, or even don’t care.
I’ve been a little lost the last 8 weeks, and as much as I have tried to motivate myself with some new virtual goals and getting out on the odd Jeff or walk my training just hasn’t felt like it has in the past and to be honest I’m not really training for anything at the moment, even though I know I should be. So much has changed the last few months and I have no routines any more which I think is a major factor and something I really need to look at re introducing. Getting up in the morning and getting our early just doesn’t seem to work this year for me like it did last summer, I have no idea why as I use to love getting up and out. Maybe its the fact I wake wheezing most mornings and by the time I come around my enthusiasm has worn off, maybe I am thinking about all things I could be getting done in that hour or two. Either way I know I need to make new routines and time for myself.
I have 7 days till the decision regarding Manchester Marathon is made, I think this is hanging over me more than I realise and the constant will it wont it has made my training seem pointless at the moment and repetitive around the same routes and lonely on my own. I know it’s not pointless because it’s all adding up but things have just been dragged out so long now that I can’t picture myself at that start line, getting all excited, like I could a year ago.
So I have decided to make those next 7 days just about getting out back in the fresh air and starting to enjoy running again without the pressure of a plan and miles to be covered. 17th will determine what I am doing plan wise moving forward if it goes ahead then I will return to my plan and maybe tweak it slightly if not I’m going to consider an alternative Marathon or deferral, dates dependable as we are no longer going away next April now. In which case I shall go back to running with no training plan until nearer the dates.
I do have two current virtual challenges’ since I last wrote to keep me going for now.
- Great North Run Solo – 40 runs by September, so far i’m on run 2 so a little behind but it’s never too late to start!
- John O Groats to Lands End which is 874 miles in 6 months I’ve some serious catching up to do on this one and I am including walks as well as runs but only activity recorded ones not just general every day steps as I am trying to move myself more than I have been doing.
My aim is to get out today for a short Jeff about teatime even if it’s just a short one down the trail with no pressure but I know how easy it is to undo all those hours in the past training and how hard it is to build them up again, i’m not letting that happen, I will go out!
Week 10 Jeffing Marathon Training Plan week commencing 8/6/20
Monday 8/6/20 – Run 1
Determined this morning to get out today even if it was just a shorter run. I’ve seen posts of people starting day 1 of training, I suppose the added bonus I have is I started 10 weeks ago to follow a longer training plan so I have still got time yet and a little set back doesn’t have to be the finish of my training.
It’s hard to explain but I feel like i’m scared i’ll forget how to run. A bonus this morning my healthier eating has paid off, 3lb off! Got to keep that going now for the week ahead.
Usual pre run breakfast today of porridge, the weather has changed again and is much cooler today it may even be long sleeve weather. Such a big difference to a couple of weeks ago but the bonus is I do not need to rush to get out too much as it’s not getting any hotter anytime soon.
I ran my usual route down the road to the entrance and along the trail, hip felt a little sore around half way point so I decided to stick to just the main lake today not wanting to push it too much, less people out today again which was nice and it was good to be back out but I would be lying if I didn’t say it took some effort today, that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy getting out it just felt like a bit of a slog for such as small steady Jeff.