General update

I’m back again!
It’s been a tough several weeks since I last posted and the virtual challenges don’t seem to have done anything to re motivate me, but hoping they will do in the coming weeks.
I’ve struggled to get out with a twingy back, although it’s more in the buttocks than back but every time I stand up or sit down I feel like my backs going to snap, I finally caved yesterday and contacted the GPS after waking and hardly been able to walk, so currently on strong painkillers which will hopefully take the pain away enabling me to build back strength in my muscles. It’s a little hard to exercise when even putting one foot in front of the other hurts and its frustrating I cant exercise as I know doing nothing is only making my muscles weaker.
I’ve also struggled with me personally,  if I’m honest. So much has changed these last few months and I’ve not adapted to it as well as I’ve probably let on to people. I’ve gone from being such a routine person, on the go all the time, focused and goal driven to completely the opposite. Not all the changes have been bad ones and new paths have been created I just need to adapt to the differences.
I’ve not been very nice to myself recently, I’ve pulled myself down and apart, I’ve blamed myself for things out of my control, I’ve stopped planning because my plans have been squashed so many times this year and the saddest part is I’ve stopped believing in myself.
So it’s time to be nice to myself and to start taking back those steps to recovery and getting back to what I like most, Jeffing 😁.
It’s not a quick fix overnight and I know it will be awhile before I’m back running 5 plus miles but if I don’t start somewhere I’m never going to. I have until November to start my training plan again for my Marathon, so plenty of time to build back up.
I also know the next few weeks are going to feel like that first day did but with a little extra weight (something else I’m working on) but with Perseverance and self believe I know I can achieve my goal of that Marathon finish line next year. What better way to spend my last day of 39 than running my first Marathon 😁.
So it’s time for new routines, eating healthier, putting goals into perspective, being kind to myself and taking sometime back for me to get back to my happy place.
So what are my goals,
  1. To complete my virtual End to End run,  Lands End to John O Groates challenge, All 874 miles with a mixture of running and walking (so something I can focus on even at present time)
  2. To attempt to complete Great North Run Solo (I’m only on run 4 out of 40 and currently not running so we will see how that goes time and back issues depending)
  3. To complete 2021 Manchester Marathon 💪 on the last day of being 39!! This is one goal that there is no compromise on.
  4. To run 2021 Great North Run in September
But most importantly to get back to enjoying just getting out and moving more.
Took some time out to look at my  motivation board today, something I have not done in a while  but needed to see these quotes 🙂
I will continue to blog but for now will focus on posting maybe only once a week, unless something exciting happens! Once training commences i’ll re start Jeffs training plan and blog more frequently but it’s time to take that step back out even if it is just short walks or runs for now.

No idea what week of plan I should be on!

You may have been wondering where I have been for June and the start of July? Or maybe you’ve not even noticed the lack of posting, or even don’t care.

I’ve been a little lost the last 8 weeks, and as much as I have tried to motivate myself with some new virtual goals and getting out on the odd Jeff or walk my training just hasn’t felt like it has in the past and to be honest I’m not really training for anything at the moment, even though I know I should be. So much has changed the last few months and I have no routines any more which I think is a major factor and something I really need to look at re introducing. Getting up in the morning and getting our early just doesn’t seem to work this year for me like it did last summer, I have no idea why as I use to love getting up and out. Maybe its the fact I wake wheezing most mornings and by the time I come around my enthusiasm has worn off, maybe I  am thinking about all things I could be getting done in that hour or two. Either way I know I need to make new routines and time for myself.

I have 7 days till the decision regarding Manchester Marathon is made, I think this is hanging over me more than I realise and the constant will it wont it has made my training seem pointless at the moment and repetitive around the same routes and lonely on my own. I know it’s not pointless because it’s all adding up but things have just been dragged out so long now that I can’t picture myself at that start line, getting all excited, like I could a year ago.

So I have decided to make those next 7 days just about getting out back in the fresh air and starting to enjoy running again without the pressure of a plan and miles to be covered. 17th will determine what I am doing plan wise moving forward  if it goes ahead then I will return to my plan and maybe tweak it slightly if not I’m going to consider an alternative Marathon or deferral, dates dependable as we are no longer going away next April now. In which case I shall go back to running with no training plan until nearer the dates.

I do have two current virtual challenges’ since I last wrote to keep me going for now.

  1. Great North Run Solo – 40 runs by September, so far i’m on run 2 so a little behind but it’s never too late to start!
  2. John O Groats to Lands End which is 874 miles in 6 months I’ve some serious catching up to do on this one and I am including walks as well as runs but only activity recorded ones not just general every day steps as I am trying to move myself more than I have been doing.

  My aim is to get out today for a short Jeff about teatime even if it’s just a short one down the trail with no pressure but I know how easy it is to undo all those hours in the past training and how hard it is to build them up again, i’m not letting that happen, I will go out!

Week 10 Jeffing Marathon Training Plan week commencing 8/6/20

Monday 8/6/20 – Run 1

Determined this morning to get out today even if it was just a shorter run. I’ve seen posts of people starting day 1 of training, I suppose the added bonus I have is I started 10 weeks ago to follow a longer training plan so I have still got time yet and a little set back doesn’t have to be the finish of my training.

It’s hard to explain but I feel like i’m scared i’ll forget how to run. A bonus this morning my healthier eating has paid off, 3lb off! Got to keep that going now for the week ahead.

Usual pre run breakfast today of porridge, the weather has changed again and is much cooler today it may even be long sleeve weather.  Such a big difference to a couple of weeks ago but the bonus is I do not need to rush to get out too much as it’s not getting any hotter anytime soon.

I ran my usual route down the road to the entrance and along the trail, hip felt a little sore around half way point so I decided to stick to just the main lake today not wanting to push it too much, less people out today again which was nice and it was good to be back out but I would be lying if I didn’t say it took some effort today, that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy getting out it just felt like a bit of a slog for such as small steady Jeff.

Week 9 Jeffing Marathon Training Plan week commencing 1/6/2020

Run 1 – Monday 1/6/20
Determined this week will not be like last week was, so up and out this morning despite still feeling wheezy, I found this started to clear quicker this morning than last week.
Changed my pre run breakfast today as finding the change in weather is making porridge less appealing so tried a toasted bagel thin with laughing cow light on with a banana and of course a cup of tea, can’t start any day without at least one cuppa 😂😂.
I decided today’s run wasn’t about speed or distance it was just about getting back out moving after a week of not running and enjoying it, so I headed down to Rothervalley.
I was surprised how quiet it seemed after previous weeks, maybe more people had started return to work or maybe I was just a tad earlier than I’d been getting up. Either way it was nicer not having to battle round groups of people like on my last run.
I decided to just run round the larger lake this morning. covering 4.5 miles. The first mile was a bit draggy but I often find it takes me a mile or two to get the feel of a run. It was good to just to have a steady one.
Sunday – 7/6/20
Much better food choices this week and feeling better in that department but I’ve not been as productive in the running plan area as I would have liked. I just don’t know where the week has gone again. With the weeks of training getting less an the hopefully, big date getting nearer I really need to find that commitment I seem to have lost to ramping up my training and following my plan.
The weather is miserable, my arms ache and fingers feel three times the size they actually are, nothing is motivating me to get out the door this morning.
Maybe seeing constant posts on facebook that it’s not going to happen is not helping. I know how much I enjoy getting out but just don’t seem to be able to get out the door again this week. I know this is going to have a set back on my training plan and may need to re asses the next couple of weeks whilst I get back into things.
My aim was to get up at 7am and be out the door no later than 8.30am, since at  11.30am and I was still sat on the sofa you can guess that didn’t go to plan. The day didn’t get any more productive either, after nipping out the house for ten minutes to collect something from a friend I returned and crashed. My joints ached so much and I felt so tired that I ended up going to bed. I didn’t actually sleep but when it came to trying to get up I felt like i’d not enough energy to pull my body into sitting position never mind going for a run.
Feel like this week has been another right off training plan wise.

Week 8 Jeffing Marathon Training Plan week commencing 25/5/2020

Week 8
No idea what’s going on with me this week.
The week seems to have gone out of the window training plan wise, not sure if it’s the heat and just not being able to move my backside out of bed early enough or if it’s cause we’ve been really busy with the new business.
I’ve woken wheezy and achy every day a sign in the past my iron levels are dropping. I really should try and book in for a blood test since it was due back in April. I’m used to feeling like this some days but it’s taken me so long to come round in the morning all week, much longer than normal.
Poor eating habits haven’t helped this week either, I’ve picked at all the wrong things and turned to takeaways! We’ve had more takeaways this week than we’ve had in last 6 months! (2 to be exact and they weren’t even that nice) Despite my meals been planned out and shopping in the house.
I know this week was suppose to be a drop down week, dropping down to 4 miles for long run, but pretty sure it wasn’t meant to be a do nothing week😡 so angry with myself as those 26.2 miles are not going to run them self however, I know that’s not going to get me refocused. I was hoping to get out today but way I’m feeling it I’m not holding out much hope.
Week 9 starts tomorrow I will have a better week!

Week 7 Jeffing Marathon Training Plan week commencing 18/5/2020

It’s been a funny hideley piddle week this week.
I’ve been busy with the new business getting started and building summer house’s but my training plan seems to have gone a little out of the window and as the week has gone on I’ve felt quiet tired. Getting up too late to get out in the morning and not really wanting to run at tea time.
Tuesday Run 1- 19/5/20
Tonight’s run was only suppose to be a short one and since I was falling asleep literally 10 minutes before I made my backside leave the house I’m surprised it turned into being my long run for the week.
I was so demotivated and tired that I almost passed on going out the door, not sure what it was, maybe it was the fact that i’d dressed for a run earlier and didn’t want to waste the attire I do not know but in the end I was glad i’d got out.
I decided to just to go for a plod telling myself anything was better than nothing. It was still really warm but bearable. With the longer light in the evening I knew I could head down to Rothervalley with plenty of time.
I’m not quiet sure at what point I had talked myself into doing a second lap but as I finished my first lap I continued along past my usual exit and round. It was  when I was on the second lake of my second lap that I started to calculate the mileage in my head  estimating I would cover about 8 miles doing both lakes and the trail home, I would be happy with that.
Surprised how easy this run felt with how I felt when I left the house, maybe it’s just what I needed.
Sometimes with Jeffing I do feel like I am dordling, maybe I don’t push myself enough and should be speeding up my walking sections etc I don’t know but what rings in my ears is Jeffs saying along the lines of you should always finish feeling like you have more to give. In one respect this gives me the confidence that I do have more to give, and its a good job cause I have 26 miles to reach!
Sunday Run 2 – 24/5/2020
So missed a run and Pilates session this week 👎not going to stress over it though as it’s still very early days in training.
I had planned to go out for a run yesterday however, was left feeling really lethargic and just not wanting to go out. Plus the battering winds (maybe a slight over exaggeration) and really dark clouds weren’t doing anything to motivate me either.
So on Saturday,  I told my self I’d go out tomorrow. I had no choice as I was suppose to be doing a leg of the Handsworth RoadHogs relay race, so making that commitment helped kick my butt out the door.
Woke up later than planned this morning. I really can’t get into getting up early at the moment, something I found so easy last year during my summer runs, not sure whats changed?
So after my usual pre run breakfast routine I made myself put on my running kit and told myself I’d just go and see how I felt. I’d already ran my 8 miles earlier on in the week so today was just about getting out.
It was overcast and much cooler this morning perfect for being out running so I headed off to Rothervalley. I’d got an aim of 6 miles in mind for the relay dependant upon how I felt, as it turned out after I’d ran one loop of the country park I started discussing with myself in my head how I felt about doing another 8 miler. With this being my relay run I felt like I had to run a decent stretch so decided to give doing another 8 mile a go. Maybe I should enter a relay every week it seemed to give me the motivation and determination today.
The park was already starting to fill up and people were congregating around the entrance / exit I really felt like shouting come on just move over there and chat so we can all come and go. I also felt like I spent more time on the first lap avoiding others and zigzagging around larger groups who were all together but taking up the whole path 😡 which got very annoying. The second lap seemed quieter not sure if people had just spaced out more or if I’d just got into routine of people dodging.
As I crossed the half way point on my second trip round the park I started to calculate how much more I could do if I added on the extra stretch to the furthest exit and then turned back on myself down the trail home, I reckoned it would it take me to the 9 mile mark. I seem to be getting good at setting little goals to take me further once I am out running.
My legs felt strong, that’s something I’ve noticed about Jeffing once I get going I feel like I can plod for hours without much thought process, my little gym boss keeps me in check, although sometimes I do think I could put more speed into my walking sections but then 26.2 miles is a long way and I know if I go to fast to start I’ll struggle so what I’m doing at the moment seems to be working.
As I started back up the trail the thought of ending on 9 miles just didn’t feel right 😂😂 it was an odd number after all so instead of leaving I carried on down the track till the opening that I then turned round and ran back along the bottom track before leaving and heading home via the horse field.
The stretch of trail down past the horse field always feels like that stretch to the finish line and I always feel myself get excited and pushing that little bit more, providing I don’t have to stop to let anyone past, today it was a straight clear stretch. I came out and up the hill checking my watch for millage. Just short of 10 miles, there was only one thing for it and that was to run around the culdesac and next row of houses down to make up the short fall. The neighbours really will think I’ve lost the plot running round their car spaces but I don’t care I’ve ran this far no way was I stopping short of 10 miles today! Just over two hours, my mind started ticking away is it wrong of me to start getting excited thinking that I could finish the full 26.2 miles in 5 hours 30 minutes range? I would be ecstatic.
Not the best plan following week but happy with the two longer runs i’ve done this week.

Week 6 Jeffing Marathon Training Plan week commencing 11/5/2020

Apologies it’s taken me ages to publish the last few weeks of blogs, some of the weeks have not been the most productive training plan wise. I have been blogging on my phone just not found the time to sit and then put these blogs onto my site due to new business and lots of exciting things going on.
So catching up this morning with my posts, maybe this will re motivate me to get off my butt.
Not the most exciting week to report on this week.
This week is a drop down week, so much smaller millage, so I’ve decided to still keep myself moving and get some steps in to try and fit in some smaller walks in the evenings as well.
Jaffa (our lazy beagle) will love me for that 😂.
Monday 11/5/20- Rest Day
Today was suppose to be a rest day but I felt like getting out and getting some fresh air this evening so took the dog for a walk down the trail. I did consider a quick evening walk round Rothervalley however was trying to determine if I would get round and back down the trail home before the sun started go in. So played it safe and just went for a wander on the trail.
Tuesday 12/5/20 – Run 1
A nice steady one down to my second home today. Decided to do just the main lake and back up the trail.
Wednesday 13/5/20 – Pilates day
Pilates session this morning. Made sure I was up early so I could steal the living room for half and hour. Did the beginners session again and felt alright , maybe it’s time to try a longer beginners session. My hips are definitely feeling better since starting to do these classes already.
Thursday 14/5/20 – Run 2
Another steady run today down to my usual route. Again decided to just run the one lake at a steady pace.
Friday 15/5/20 – Walk Day
Rest day from running today so decided to go for our weekly walk to Rothervalley with Suzie. It is nice to get out for a stroll and today she managed to walk round both lakes, I cant wait till we can get off camping out in the countryside and enjoy the wider outdoors, I really think she’s going to be an outdoorsy person.
Sunday Run 3 – Long Run – 17/5/20
Today’s plan was 6 miles and 6 miles is what I did 🙂 Later than I normally like to get out but the sun was hot this morning and I really just cant seem to get out of bet and out of the house early this year so when it started to cool I headed off down to, you guessed it Rothervalley.
I’d already planned to run both lakes then back up to the furthest exit and back down the trail knowing this would cover me bang on 6 miles and it did. A nice steady one today. That is the beauty of Jeffing all my runs seem nice and steady.

Week 5 Marathon Jeffing Plan. Week Commencing 3/5/2020

Monday Run 1 – 3/5/20
I like starting the week as I mean to go on, I find it gives me a good motivation for the week ahead.
The sky was overcast and rain was in the air this morning.
Decided to head down the trail to Rothervalley and do round both lakes this morning aiming for a steady 5 miles.
I’d only been going ten minutes and sure enough the rain started, however it was quiet refreshing. If you’ve never embraced running in the rain and always avoided going out, you really should give it a go it’s not as scary as it may seem.
The park was fairly quiet this morning, so not much people dodging requires and my run a steady one, just the way I like it 😁.
Wednesday 6/5/20 Strengthening
Alarm was set last night and up I got at 7am this morning determined to fit in a beginners Pilate session off U Tube before anyone got up so I could use the living room. I grabbed a quick small glass of orange juice no time for 20 cups of tea this morning they would have to wait till after my class 🤣🤣.
Using the TV in the lounge rather than the laptop made it so much easier to see and follow the instructions and meant I didn’t need to move the screen round with me. Getting up early is definitely the way forward for these classes.
Today’s session was so much easier to follow compared with last week’s body balance session, I still knew I’d worked and stretched areas but it wasn’t as complicated and I spent more time doing the stretches as oppose to working out what I was suppose to be doing.
Think I’ll try and give this another go next week at some point then look at sessions I can progress to as the weeks go, but now I’ve started I know need to keep it going.
Thursday Walk Day 7/5/20
Walk day today. I do enjoy taking Suzie round Rothervalley for a walk. There not the most energetic of walks but it’s still movement and I know how much every time I leave the house for a run she wants to come along with me, which is nice.
Watching her little face light up when I told her we were going for a walk made my day alone but the smile when I showed her the treat I’d bought was even greater, Care bear Tikkiaboos!
I know what some of you may be thinking what sane 39 year old wants leggings with care bears on, answer is I do! although I think many would question the sane part.
They are hopefully going to be my running trousers for the Great North Run when I run for Tommy’s charity. Although if I am a being honest every week I feel like both my remaining events of the year are not going to be taking place, but that is something out of my hands and I will continue my training as its keeping me focused, healthy and sane during these times.
Today’s walk I think has to be the longest so far and we didn’t even stop for a picnic. However, Suzie did walk around both lakes today a major achievement for her as normally the larger lake is more than enough, but we do stop to investigate every flower and rock hence the time it takes. It’s nice just to get out sometimes with no goals or pressures and just enjoy the surroundings with family and I know how much she enjoys it.

Friday Run 2 Long Run –  8/5/20
Decided to make today long run day. I do like being able to pick and choose the days I do long runs on at the moment.
With treats of home made scones, home made bread rolls and slow cooker homemade fudge planned for afternoon tea in the garden this afternoon I thought it would be wise to burn off some calories prior 😂😂. I don’t normally run for food as I know it doesn’t work like that but I was also thinking if I’m overloading today with nice food I’m not going to want to run a longer length at the weekend and I intended to enjoy the goodies before returning to back to healthy eating at the weekend.
So alarm set early and I actually got up at 6.45am 😁 that’s a first in awhile. My usual pre run breakfast of porridge and a banana along with a couple cups of tea. Not impressed with my porridge making skills this morning as half of it ended up erupting from the bowl like a volcano in the microwave.
Whilst finishing off my second cuppa I debated which route to go to get me 8 miles. I could go 4 miles down trail then turn round but the thought of running down the trail and back without hitting Poolsbrook or the canal felt boring and if I continued to Poolsbrook I knew I’d run back, because i’m stubborn like that, which would be way too many miles at this point in my training. Last thing I wanted was for my HITT band to flare up issues again when things were going so well.
So I decided to head towards Rothervally and run two loops, I know not the most exciting of routes either and I have to be honest I do lose interest in loop routes, but I thought it would be a bit more to look at than just the tunnel vision of the trail.
In fairness it wasn’t as tough as I was expecting, being able to look at the lakes and take int he view was nice, something I have found Jeffing has enabled me to do more than continuous running ever did.
I set my pace trying not to go too fast to start with and off I went.
The weather was nice and cool at this time so I was pleased I’d chosen to get up and out.
As I did my first lap of Rothervalley I was surprised to see so many out this early, maybe they’d all got the same idea as me.
I passed a gentleman searching for his cat 😭 and spent a few seconds talking with him (socially distanced of course). I do hope his cat returns home soon. It’s quiet sad to think at a time like this he may be sat at home alone. I
got to say hello to a friends hubby as well, noticed him today unlike the other day when it didn’t register till i’d passed who it was so I just looked like I was being ignorant. It was quiet nice to speak to others feels like an eternity since I spoke to people whilst out on runs apart from the odd good morning and with the sun starting to come through it just felt like a good day.
I started the second lap feeling quiet strong. When I hit the start of the smaller lake I decided to put a twist in and run up past the park going anti clockwise round the smaller lake before running back past the play area onto the bigger lake, around and back up the trail home.  It just added a bit of a difference to the route.
Once home I stretched for five minutes before enjoying a Tailwind chocolate recovery drink.
Pleased with today’s run 8 miles, it’s the most I’ve Jeffed so far 😁 and I felt like I could give more. One of Jeffs sayings in his book rang in my head. I recall it being something like, If you finish a training run with more to give then its been a good training run.
Family time now making the baked goods before a short scarecrow hunt walk then afternoon tea in the garden😋.
addition: It wasn’t till after afternoon tea I realised I’d been out on two exercise trips today. (Currently rules are 1 exercise a day) My run and the local scarecrow hunt around the village with Stu and Suzie. It was all done keeping inline with social distancing but my apologies for sneaking in a extra walk. I didn’t even realise or think about it till after.
Sunday run 3 – 10/5/20
With the task of taking down a metal shed today, I’d set my alarm for a short early run this morning.
Alarm went off at 6.45 and to my dismay the weather was miserable, it was throwing it down and windy so I decided to turn over. No chance of high temperatures today so if need be I’d go out later.
I finally surfaced at 8.30am! I am getting so lazy, 😂😂 and after my usual pre run breakfast and numerous cups of tea decided to stop debating it and brave it.
I knew if I left it till this evening after taking down the shed I’d not want to go out and their was more chance of me skiving off. My inner training mode pipped up and told me to get my butt off the sofa and get out.
It was definitely long trousers and long sleeved top day today 😕. Not sure where yesterdays lovely weather had gone? Bring it back!
I took the trail down to Rothervalley and carried on down the track to the second entrance, instead of going round the lakes i’d already decided to go onto the lake but turn right following the lake back along to my usual entrance and exit back onto the trail for home. A nice steady 3 miles to finish the week off.
I have to be honest today I felt heavy, the extra treats and lack of movement compared to pre lock down steps really was starting to take it’s toll and I could feel the extra stone of weight starting to take it’s toll. I’d already decided that Monday was back to basics planning my weekly meals, focusing on filling up on healthier choices and cutting down the treats with the aim to have that stone gone by end of June.
I’ve never really lost weight whilst training if I am honest but i have always been able to maintain my healthy goal weight, although I am not overweight yet I know I need to take control now. I also don’t like how eating high sugar foods etc makes me feel so know it will all be of benefit to my training. Here is to Monday!!

Week 4 0f 26 Jeffing 30:30 Marathon Training plan week commencing 27/4/20

Run 1 Tuesday 27/4/20
Late start this morning by time I’d woke (after a 3am wake up call it took ages to get back to sleep) fuelled with porridge, no banana, shopping day today meant non left this morning, it was coming up to 11am!
Today was much cooler thankfully and even a slight drizzle in the air. There would have been a point previously where I would have put off getting up and going out in the rain but today I embraced it and have to say enjoyed it.
Decided today I’d head off down to Rothervalley as only a short run day set the goal of round the larger lake and back knowing that would cover around 4 1/2 miles.
The country park was much quieter than it had been on the sunnier days but still a handful of walkers, bikers and runners were out. Enjoyed this mornings run only downside was about mile 3 I started to feel hungry as in proper belly rumbling hungry, not sure if it’s the lack of banana this morning or that I ran on Sunday with Tailwind in my water bottle. Definitely a snack needed when I get in.
Wednesday 28/4/20
Last week I made the commitment to start thinking about my core strength more and putting it into my regular training plan each week.
So this morning I decided to give an online body balance class ago. After doing a few at the local gym awhile back before the world went a little crazy, I thought how hard can it be? I found a class with a lady called Ken just generally searching on U Tube.
I overcame my first hurdle of space by clearing Suzies room of Teddy’s and shutting myself in there for an hour so no one could disturb me.
Positioning the lap top was a tough one it started on the chest of draws and then I realised when lowering to the floor it was impossible to see and since I had no idea what warrior positions were I need to visualise them, so it was moved onto Suzies bed and around the room as I went, definitely something I need to reconsider next week. The TV in the lounge would be better I may need to set an alarm for an early start or kick everyone out one evening 😂😂.
It started off not too bad and I was quiet enjoying breathing with stretching, we then went into some exercises involving Planks, as much as I know these help strength wise there not my favourite but we’re easier than doing then on my arms like the physio had set.
There was one point when she tied herself in a knot with legs and arms bent everywhere 😂😂 I decided to observe that one after not even being able to bend the first leg into position 🙈🙈. I definitely need to work on this more but I suppose it’s all about sticking with it.
I have looked into a plates online for beginners class as well this morning, maybe starting at a beginners specific class will help a bit more.
Thursday 29/4/20
It would appear I did more than I though in the bodybalance class yesterday as this morning I woke up with sore muscles across my chest and stomach. It’s been awhile since I’ve had that feeling and in a strange way I feel like I’ve pushed myself fitness wise for a change.
Normally I would have shuffled my runs around and ran on Friday instead giving myself a break today, there was room in my plan to do that but today was my day for the Tikkaboo challenge. So no backing out of today’s run.
The challenge was to run as far as I could for my team, Team Purple, in 19 minutes (for covid 19). The team that’s run the furthest at end of May wins. We also had to pick a baton as you would have with a usual relay.
So after my usual breakfast on went the Solar Tikkis and my purple vest, along with my spaceman baton which I thought was very ideal.
The sky was full of dark clouds and I could see it was breezy just from watching the trees outside. I had a feeling today really was going to be the short distance planned. It was nice to be participating in the relay challenge, something to add a bit of fun to today’s run.
I stood at the gate ready to set my watch on the next beep of my gym boss, I’d already decided I would Jeff the distance not run straight as it had been awhile since I’d ran straight and I wanted to see how far I could get using the Jeffing technique just out of interest.
The Gym Boss beeped, I started the timer and off I went down the hill, turning down onto the trail past the horse field then up the main trail. I tried to speed up my walking sections a bit and when the timer hit 19 mins I was pleased with my 2.74km.
Decided to take a walk back around the road way and up the hill rather than continuing to jeff if.
Although a short one today a fun one.
Friday 1/5/20 walk day
Managed a small family walk to the local Co op this afternoon.
Needed a few bits and suzie needed some fresh air so we all went out. Suzie and I waited outside, out of the way whilst Stu went in sticking to social distancing rules.
I really need to add more short walks in to get my steps back up each day. Even if it’s just a slow stroll each evening.
I finally put my trainer tags on to my trainers today as well. They were sent to me as a gift from my friend Carmel and i have been meaning to put them on for awhile just one of those two minute jobs i’ll do later so today I made the time and think they look fab!
Sunday 3/5/20
Today should have been long run day, although this week is a drip down weeks and the long run is only 4 miles (which I covered earlier on in the week) I just didn’t feel like going running today.
Not sure why, in myself I felt find, can’t really say I was unmotivated I just didn’t want to go so as much as I know sticking to plan and getting out is important I also knew not running today was not going to be the end of the world and the reason I’d started a longer Marathon plan were to account for these type of weeks, illness and holidays (chance of one of those would be nice).
So I spent time staining Wood in the garden woth the family today, we did manage to get out for a short stroll to the Co op again though.

Week 3 Jeffing 30:30 Marathon Training plan week commencing 20/4/20

Run 1 Tuesday 21/4/20
I got up this morning feeling much more motivated than yesterday. Not just running wise but in general. Yesterday had just been one of those un motivated days.
My typical week at the moment plan wise consists of 2 short runs supposedly 30 minutes long however mine tend to be about 3 to 4 mile ish mark lasting up to about an hour with a longer run which I normally run in the latter part of the week Saturday or Sunday. It’s whats always fell better for me around work commitments etc, however I had found my run routines were changing under the current times.
I can’t remember the last time I bounced out of bed at 5.30am to have breakfast so I was off out nice and early before the day had even began. My run days now tent to be getting out the door no earlier than 8.30am and my non run days seem to start mid day. I do feel like I have become lazy however its hard when you’ve no where to go and no normal routine to follow.
I set off just after 10am, a lot later than normal for me but by the time i’d actually got out of bed and let my usual pre run breakfast of porridge followed by a banana settle I was shocked to see the time.
Today should have been run 1 of the week so normally a shorter run but when I left the house and headed down the road something just felt different. I kept my usual 30:30 Jeff going and stuck to my normal pace which felt comfortable.
As I joined the trail from the main road normally I would have gone up, round and along towards Rothervalley but today I felt like venturing out and trying a different route. Maybe it was the change of route that got me excited who knows but I found myself going down the trail in the opposite direction. It didn’t seem to take long before I was hitting the Renishaw entrance to the Sitwell arms, knowing continuing towards Pools Brook would be pushing it too far too soon today and would almost double my long run millage this week I decided to take a detour back home around the road way.
As I turned out of the Sitwell carpark onto the main road a thought occurred to me as I visually mapped out the route home in my mind. Running this way would mean I’d have to face the very large hill between Eckington and Morissons at half way! I’d not thought of that and having not been hill training this could be interesting. I decided if it was that bad it really would not be the end of the world to walk up it.
As I came to the gold club area there was a small bridge bit on a windy bit of road, at first I did wonder how I was going to get round the section with no patch way and surprisingly a lot of traffic out today, I then realised to the right of me just off the road side was a hidden metal foot bridge, I would have looked like a right plonker tackling the road and traffic had I not seen the small path leading tot he bridge section.
It wasn’t much longer before I rounded the corner to face the hill. I looked at it head on and set my self goals like I used to when out with Sharon on Joes Ices hills (Them were the days when I could run and go for a chat) I started slow and steady just having started a 30 seconds stint. It’s times like these 30 seconds really do feel like a life time. I was great full when I felt the vibration on my arm indicate it was walking time. The next indicator from walk to run signalled but going from a walk to a very and it was very slow jog took some getting into and felt awkward to transition between. About half way up and in a walk section I was passed by a road sweeper and I have to be honest when I needed to cross the road as there was no path left and had to try and time it around the sweeper I secretly used it to walk the remaining top part of the hill before getting back into rhythm at the top.
Following a different route really was rather inspiring me and I continued along the road, along the top past Morrisons taking a peek to check out the ques for Stu who was off to do our weekly shop after. As it turns out I was surprised to see no one stood waiting to go inside.
I turned off down the trail route taking me away from the road down the back of the petrol station and industrial units and back onto the track entrance. I decided to use the track to get extra millage in so joined back onto the track and headed back up it to go over the bridge and down along past the horse field.
I was half way up the hill towards out house when the local delivery man collared me to talk to (social distancing of course) as much as I wanted to continue the 200 yards I knew that would be rude so stopped my timer and decided to call it a day.
Just over 6 miles, I was more than happy with that.
I really need to start taking more pictures when out especially on my longer or newer routed runs. I logged a memory note (I have many of these when out on runs) to discuss how the small action camera worked with stu when I got back to save having to take phone in and out of pocket and risk dropping it.
Tonight’s news that Berlin has cancelled their Marathon in October left me feeling emotional.
I really want to keep focused and drive forward with the training plan and miles in hope that I will make that start line in 2020 but part of me is starting to feel deflated and like running a marathon is maybe not meant to be for me. All I can do is hope, I can’t even defer my place to 2021 if the event dose not go ahead as we’re away for a big holiday on the date 😭😭. My crying faces are over the deferral not the holiday no way I would miss this holiday.
I need to think of a back up plan, a Marathon later on in 2021 if really needed to focus on, I am determined nothing is going to stop me crossing a finish line even if it is a different one to my original plan. It will not drag me down to give in on my goals, I will run 26.2 miles in 2020 one way or another!
When I put my Jeffing plan together based on Jeff’s book I was wary over the fact that the training plan takes you to the full 26 miles! Every plan I have ever read up on or seen has always steered clear of completing the full millage. However, Jeff’s plans push to cover the millage during training. I had planned in a 26 mile run on my plan but was going to gauge how I felt on the run up to this week. I have now decided that if it is looking or feeling unlikely the official marathon will be going ahead then I am committing to completing those 26.2 miles in my own un official marathon. Even if I have to do numerous circuits of RotherValley. In fairness by then I should be able to run it blindfolded if the lock down continues.
Run 2 Thursday 23/4/20
Last night I had this bright spark that I needed to get back into some sort of routine again so I set my alarm! It’s not been set for nearly 5 weeks but I decided tomorrow was going to be warm one and I wanted to get up, out and done before the heat hit. I also remember how I really enjoyed by early morning runs to start the day off last year.
Who was I fooling, the alarm did go off at 6am but I turned it off and turned over back to sleep. In fairness I felt wheezy so decided I would go out a bit later. When I did stir an hour later I decided to i’d already decided I was going to have a change and run in the evening today. It had been ages since i had done a teatime run so i’d wait for the temperature to drop then go out before tea for a change. Pleased I decided to wait as the post woman brought me my Gymboss I’d ordered a belated birthday gift.
You may be asking what is a Gymboss? I had to ask myself the same question a few weeks back. well if I am honest I didn’t ask it myself I asked it on the girlsthejeff Facebook page.
A Gymboss it this little beauty
Looks a little bit like a pager. It has settings to allow you to set interval timers, so for example I set mine at 30:30 so every 30 seconds it vibrates and beeps. you can choose big beep or little beep, I set mine on big beep, lets just say they will certainly here me along the trail.
Just before 5pm I got changed, decided it was a cookie monster evening with he matching feed me cookie monster vest top. Although if I am completely honest I certainly didn’t need feeding anymore! confinement was doing nothing for my sweet tooth and this week I had decided I need to step back on the scales and start taking more note of what was going in especially since I wasn’t being as active as I normally was. I set up the gym boss attaching it to my vest strap and went off down the track for a short one.
I have to say highly impressed with the Gymboss, certainly no chance of not hearing it. Only issue I did have is I could feel it rubbing slightly and knew the longer distances wouldn’t survive it positioned where it was so I moved it mid route into the middle of the neck line on my vest which is where it felt better. Think it will be trail and error till I find where it works best without rubbing.
I knew tonight was just a short one so paced at what I felt comfy with. About a mile in I could feel a twingy buttock and a niggle on the inside of my right knee.  I had felt the twinge before in the past training but the niggle was normally on the out side of my knee not inside. I knew the signs were all there in tonight’s run that I needed to start bringing back in those strengthening exercises, something that should never have left my routine (tut tut). I also needed to find some sort of strengthening class such as body balance etc online to follow once a week. I just needed to find a space and time that  was suitable to do it.
Just under 2.5 miles done this evening, short but sweet.
Friday 24/4/20 Saturday 25/4/20 –
No walk day this week, no particular reason just didn’t fit it in to my week, will promise to do better next week.
Sunday Run 3 – 26/4/20
Long run day today although technically I’ve already covered my long run on Tuesday.
Earlier on in the week I had decided to see what I felt like today before deciding if to make this a smaller run or if to still run the planned 7 miles on my plan.
So as I woke and fuelled with usual porridge and a cuppa tea I decided to give the 7 miles ago. I made up some Tailwind in my water bottle (something I’d not done in awhile due to shorter runs)
It felt like a cookie monster day today so on went the latest cookie monster Capris followed by the matching vest top (first time worn). I did take a selfie, not that I am very good at doing that but it also turns out the picture was too big to post on here and i’m also not that technical either. 🤣🤣.
I decided to give the same route as Tuesday ago again but reverse it to try and avoid that massive hill section. What I didn’t take into account was the longer but more gradual hill sections up to the big downward hill section their was 😂😂. I’d obviously not taken much notice of those stretches when going down them the other day. Oh well at least those bits were done early on in the run and the rest was fairly flat apart from the small hill up to the Sitwell Arms.
It was a nice day again and just being out in the fresh air was good for me. As I turned just past the Sitwell onto the track home my legs felt strong and comfortable at the pace I’d slipped into and I knew I was homeward bound along this stretch. I’d stuck to my 30:30 Jeff all way finding it the most comfortable, although I do think I need to work on speeding up some of my walking sections as I sometimes feel like I’m going for a stroll on my 30 second walk sections and could benefits pace wise from stepping it up a little, however equally I need to remember 26.2 miles is a long way and so far my pace feels comfortable and I’m around the 5 mile an hour mark which I’d be more than happy with on the big day.
As I came towards the track exit I checked my millage to see it just turn 6 miles and knew if I wanted to hit 7 I’d need to add a loop in, so instead of getting off I carried on down past the industrial works entering the trail again at the roadside entrance and running back up to the bridge section before exiting down past the horse field.
As I reached the brow of the hill just before our car park I checked in again on the mileage to see it was still short of 7 miles. So did a loop of the nearby street Dobbs Close and then several rounds of the small car park before I hit that lucky 7! If the neighbours ever see me when I’m car park running they’ll wonder what I’m doing 😂😂.
Week 3 down 23 to go 😁.
The more photo promise is a working progress it would appear the posh camera bag Stu got out of the loft contains everything except the camera 😡 since its been ages since it was used the mission of trying to find it is now underway. With the loft being transformed into our new working office it could be in one of many box’s that’s been moved out of there 🙄.