I’m back!!

I can’t believe my last post was when I was on my way out of the door to complete Manchester Marathon!

A lot has changed since then and I have a few race entries to enter and some updating to my profile to do, but I have decided it is time to get back up to speed with my blogging and begin to bore you all again.

So before 2023 arrives  I aim to complete my Manchester Marathon blog (I am sure I’ve written it somewhere just never published it).

I also have the following events to blog

London Landmarks 2022.

See the at Slaithwait Slog Half marathon.

My first 50km Ultra which was completed at Longhorn.

My first 100km race – Race to the stones, still feels very unreal.

Yorkshire Marathon – Hilly, undertrained and still not sure how I got round but I did!

I also did my first Percy Pud race in December which I’ll share with you.

Then I will be ready to share my 2023 running goals!!


It’s here!!!

Finally the day I’ve bee waiting for for so long is here.
I’ve been mooching since 4.30am got several hours to go yet with the late starts would have loved to be getting going at 9am but 11.50 it is I’ll just have to deal with it.
My stomach is full of butterflies.
I’m over thinking everything, don’t want to eat to early, don’t want to eat to late, don’t want to have to rush to start line incase I can’t get across the road, don’t want to be too early stood around this will cause several port loo trips 🤣🤣. Don’t want to miss my wave cause I’m in the ports loo 🙈. Although I can join the last wave at least.
Legs already feel heavy my heads saying am I really going to make it damn you head!

Oh my word why do we put ourself through this stress 🤣 is this really fun?
I thought race mornings would get easier the more you do it dosnt.

I really have no idea if I’ll make it or not today but if I don’t go and try I’ll never know. I’m hoping the atmosphere and supporters will keep me going, must remember nice and steady, don’t go out too fast with the crowd, stick to 30/30 if I start to struggle drop down to 30/ 45 or 30/60. Either way I’m going to give it my all.
See you on the other side.



Great North Run Not Meant To Be 😭

I’m absolutly gutted.
Hit by covid I’ve had to make the tough decision to withdraw from the Great North Run.
I’ve waited 2 years for this run and was so excited to see my sister in Seaham pre race. However, I know it’s the right decision to make at this time.
My isolation ends Friday as I’m due to run Sunday but having been off my feet for 2 weeks and not ran the prior two weeks very much I know I’d be pushing myself. My breathing isn’t great on and off so I made the decision in hope that doing so I can concentrate on getting back up and out and be able to at least make the start of Manchester even if I don’t finish.
Luckily my charity have been amazing and I’ve been offered a place in next year’s event which has softened the blow a bit so another one to add to add to next year.

I’m not sure what the best plan is for running Manchester, I’m not even sure there is a plan out there for this circumstance all I can do is try my best. So I’ve calculated 3 weeks with 1 week taper! I know my original taper was 3 weeks but I did a marathon with only a weeks taper a couple of months ago so during those three weeks I’d like to build up gradually, I’m no wonder woman that’s about to go straight out and run 20 miles.
My plan is a couple of 3 milers to see how I go if I feel OK up it 6 miles for a long run hopefully a half in week 2 if not keep doing smaller runs. I’d like to get a half in before taper but I’m not going to panic if not. Im learning I can’t control everything in life and sometimes you’ve just got to go with it.
I will be rooting for my friend who’s running the GNR as her first half marathon next week though.
One set back isn’t going to stop me moving forward.

The Lucky Horseshoe Challange My First Marathon! allange

Today’s the day, my first official race since Febuary 2020.
I have to be honest not feeling it this morning slight twinge in back of leg so painkillers taken and feeling a little quesy not sure if it’s prerace nerves or what.
So I’ve told myself what will be will be this is after all just a training run, so no pressure and 6 whole hours to go at whatever pace I want.

We arrived at Rumbridge Fisheries yesturday tea time to be shown to our lovelly little camping pod. After a tea of Speghetti Carbonara and my night time mountain fuel hot chocolate around the fire pit I settled in for an early night.
I slept quiet well but was woken by a rarther rude cockrel about 5am an hour earlier than my planned alarm.
So I pottered about a bit, put the kettle on, made and ate my mountain fuel breakfast and began kitting up.
We arrived at Horsheath Horse trials just after 8am immedietly I was made welcomed. As I checked in the lady said your down for the full Marathon, to which I replied I’m aiming for 20 miles as a training run but we will see. My heart still wanted to believe I could do the Marathon distance my head told me it was too much too soon.
I think even then I didn’t believe I’d manage the Marathon and was setting myself up for the smaller goal.

We were called to the start line and placed in mini waves. It was smaller than I expected, wasn’t expecting thousands but maybe a few more. It was nice that there were people of all abilities doing various lengths of the course, it took away that intimidating feeling that can often come woth larger events.

The waves set off as the clock started the 6 hour countdown and within a minute or two I was off on lap one.
I wasn’t quiet sure what to expect of the course and thinking back to signing up I didn’t really pay much attention to what it was like it was only in the race brief when they were explaining the route I realised I’d not really though about it.
As I set off down the gravely track round the barn area which was hosting the aid station and toilets I could see a flat stretch of path and was pleased when the lady I’d started with began walking, A fellow Jeffer! Yay.
I’d decided to stick with 30:30 as its what I knew but wanted to play around before Manchester to try and pace up a bit since they’d just announced they’d reduced the cut off time and the thought was terrifying me.
As we turned the corner to the left an incline that seemed to go on forever appeared I think it was at this point I knew it was going to be a tough one.
As I reached the top the pathway sloped back down before hitting a grass trail. As I hit the grassed trail I knew the stones from the first section have invaded my shoes and the only thing to do was stop and get rid last thing I needed was blisters on lap one.
After a quick stone removal stop off I went following the patch into an even narrower trail with a slight incline, uneven surface, tree roots and only really room to put one foot in front of the other I plodded on hoping I wouldn’t trip or roll an ankle.
Once out of the wooded section which I’m not sure was wooded more just over group path lol. I carried on along another flat grass trail with beautiful views across the fields before turning another corner and faced with another incline towards a water tower. What was with all these inclines!
After passing the water tower it was along a short section before turning another corner and heading on down to base. You could see the base from the start of the decent wich was quiet nice.
As I jeffed around the cones I ticked off mentally one down.
It was starting to get warmer and the hill section seemed to be right In the path of the sun so the breeze after the water tower was deffinetly welcomed.
Before I knew it lap two was done, lap three I began to question myself and feel like I was getting sluggish it was then I revised I needed to fuel so out came a gel. All through this time I told myself to keep moving and if I stopped at half marathon It had still been worth the visit.
As I was hitting the hill again I decided to change to 30:60 on the hill to try and take the pressure off as I was making my way up it I was passed by a juggler 🤯 yes a gent was juggling as he was running up a hill!
Apparently helped take off the thoughts of his legs 🤣. He passed me at least a further two times and gave words of motivation to me ashe passed which really was appriciated. As the laps went on I saw less and less people running nearly full laps sometimes with just the odd person passing, nothing else but me and the views. Which I’d like to add were very pretty, but no spectators shouting words of encouragement like there had been at my first half marathon in Manchester, no kids hi fiveing (although I doubt we will have that for years to come) just the odd people and organisers at the aid station which dwindled down to just the three organisers by the time I was on my last lap.
Before I knew it lap four was down followed by 5 and then I was on lap 6. It was halfway through lap 6 that the doubts began crawling in and I kept clock watching, knowing I was slowing set the voice off in my head saying I wouldn’t make the laps in time. I even considered giving Sharon a call to talk total and utter nonsense to get me through but decided against it, part of me wishes I had now. so when I came in to start lap 7 I realised I had an hour and 05 minutes to get round which would allow me to go for my last lap. Surley I could do that even if I walked the hills and jeffed the flats, I was doing this! My legs could do this. It wasn’t easy those hills were really starting to tell on the tops of the thighs but I’d come too far give up now.
I came in for the last lap woth just over 15 mins to spare, I think that’s when the realisation hit, today I was leaving a Marathoner. It dosnt matter how the miles are covered miles are miles.
I grabbed a fill up of squash and told them I’d be back. I did apologise that it might take me some time but I would be back and back I was.
As I came down the hill on the last stretch I could hear calling out my name through the speaker and I could see stu stood by his side. I knew I was the last on the course and probably had been for awahile although little did I know the second to last person had only got in ten minutes before me.
I rounded the final corner I couldn’t walk. through the finish line, so I gently jogged through I didn’t have any sprint finish in me for this race but it didn’t matter I’d run a whopping 26.2 miles!!! I didn’t need to have anything else in the tank.

there was a single medal left hanging on the hanger my medal 😁 which. Told me to wear with pride as he handed it to me. Its a fab medal deffinetly a good one for the collection. What was even better my hubby giving me the biggest of hugs and telling me how proud he was of me.
Zoe another one of the organisers brought me a chair, it was a godsend as I knew if I sat on the grass area I’d never get up. I was then informed they’d saved us both the last two slabs of cake 😋 which went down well.

You hear people saying never again when they’ve done their first Marathon or that was gruesome, I don’t know if I’m just wiered or what but I never felt like that when I crossed the finish line. The tops of thighs had a burning sensation in them and I knew stiffness would soon set in but I always take that sort of stiffness and ohhing and arhing as a sense of achieving something more than I’ve achieved so far. My toes I didn’t dare investigate those I knew two would be turning a pretty colour and most likley vacating my feet eventually but I could deal with a few days and I knew that soreness would go.
I wanted to do it again and more 🤯 good job really with a 100km event on the horizon 🤣.

First official event is in sight

So I’m popping in for another update.

Things have been a bit like a roller coaster these last few weeks. With holidays (long awaited), niggles that just keep moving around etc I’m learning to go with the flow and with only 8 weeks to go what will be will be.

I did do a16 miler about 3 weeks ago which I was well impressed with and actually felt OK about 😁. Then things dont seem to have progressed since then.

I’ve 2 days before my first official event since the half I did at Blackpool in Febuary 2020! The nerves are kicking in, I’m not sure the knee which is twining is going to hold out for what I really would like to do on the day but throwing in the towel is not an option.

So what is this event you might be asking? Or you might not be bothered at all 😂.
I’m attending the Lucky Horseshoe at Horsheath Race Course. Its a lapped event with laps of 5.3km and it runs over 6 hours. I can cover as many or little as I like and was running it as a training event to reach around 20 miles, however my heart wants to go for more and I really would be extatic to run 8 laps 😬 which would mean a marathon 🤯. Not sure my knee wants the same thing but i’m just going to go and give it my best.
Watch this space for an update!

Catch up (I know it’s been a year!)


I’m not sure where to start this evening, it’s been so long since I last posted I feel like I’ve abandoned you all 🤣. The last time I posted was back in September 2020! I’m so sorry just thought lots of I’m motivated, I’m not motivated posts wouldn’t be of interest to read. So here’s a catch up to where I am now and I promise to start blogging more.

So like many people I’ve spent well over the last year getting through each day, my goals have changed, changed and changed again 🙈 or should I say moved as my goals remain the same just different dates. My goals even include some new and exciting ones. 😳

I’ve been motivated, unmotivated, suffered with sever siatica and joint issues where I didn’t really run more than a couple of miles a week for what felt like years but was more like a couple of months. I’ve doubted my self, over if running really is for my and I’ve gained 2 stone in weight!! Mainly due to less movement but continuing to eat the same amount of food and junk food on top 🙈🤣 (this is a working progress to lose it but my running goals are more important to me at the moment and I know the weight loss will come with time).

So to catch up with where I am goal and race wise moving forward here goes.
London Landmarks was postponed to a date I was unable to attend so my place has been rolled over to next year 😒.
Doncaster half Marathon was booked after this revelation and was cancelled a week after booking 🙈
Great North Run 🤞 will go ahead on 12th September 2021. They’ve just announced a major route change, no longer finishing at South Shields and going over the bridge twice but it looks like it’s happening 😁.
Manchester Marathon 🤞 will go ahead 10th October 2021, the route seems to have grown 2 hills 🤔 one being just after mile 4!! Better get hill training 😂😂. Or I’ll just wing it 🤣🤣.

I’m currently eyeing up a few inbetween races just hanging fire with booking at the minute but thinking of Bedford aquadrome in August as a 20 mile race and toying with Sheffield half. I’m just wary of the Sheffield hakf as its 3 weeks before Manchester so would use it as a taper session but with all the hills I’d be gutted if I injured my self so close so need to have a ponder 🤔.

I also have this crazy goal hiding at the back of my mind, I’ll let you into a secret. You are the first person I’ve told this too but I’m going to be saying it out loud more often cause if I don’t believe in myself and don’t believe I can then I won’t.
I want to run an ultra! There you go I said it.
Please pick yourself up off the floor from laughter 😂😂.
I have a bone to pick with a route I once did many years ago. Not running if you told me 3 years ago I’d be running it would be me rolling around on the floor laughing.
I entered London to Brighton 100km 2015 I think 🤔, very uneducated, undertrained, un fueled yup I was that person. I got to j84km check point 7 point (which is ints own right an achievement but back the I had no idea of milage) my brain and body wasn’t functioning together, I felt sick and knew there was a massive hill climb to still face, fear of not making it to the next stop I made the decision to call it a day. (it was actually 3am in the morning) I didn’t even recognise distance back then like I do now otherwise I might have pushed on. Looking back I think I just needed a break, to refuel and someone to come along and kick my butt onwards.
It’s always been there at the back of my mind niggling away and now I believe I can do it 💪.
I’m going to Jeff (or crawl) London to Brighton 2022 in May, only this time I’m going prepared, trained, fueled and I will cross that line! I’ve booked my place so there is no turning back.

If there’s any crazy’s out there reading this that would love to join me I’d love some company along the way. (I can try 🤪)

I’m going to pick up my blogging as my training for Manchester Marathon is well under way, I am using Jeff Galloway 32 week Training Plan, currently on week 18 now, I won’t bore you with every run I do but I will check in from time time, longer runs and any races I managed to participate in. So watch this space!

P. S I’ve recently started an online second hand book shop to help with my fundraising. If you like a read then check out Www.bookadora.co.uk or give me a follow on Facebook or Instagram, share with your family and friends lots of bargains to be had and all for greatcause 😁.

Long Overdue Update

I’m not sure where to start this evening, it’s been so long since I last posted I feel like I’ve abandoned you all 🤣.
So like many people I’ve spent just over the last year getting through each day, my goals have changed, changed and changed again 🙈 or should I say moved as my goals remain the same just different dates. My goals even include some new and exciting ones.
I’ve been motivated, unmotivated, suffered with sever sciatica and joint issues where I didn’t really run more than a couple of miles a week for what felt like years but was more like a couple of months. I’ve doubted my self, over if running really is for my and I’ve gained 2 stone in weight!! (this is a working progress to lose it but my running goals are more important to me at the moment and I know the weight loss will come with time).
So to catch up with where I am goal wise moving forward here goes.
London Landmarks was postponed to a date I was unable to attend so my place has been rolled over to next year 😒
Doncaster half Marathon was booked after this revelation and was cancelled a week after booking 🙈
Great North Run 🤞 will go ahead on 12th September 2021.
Manchester Marathon 🤞 will go ahead 10th October 2021, the route seems to have grown 2 hills 🤔 one being just after mile 4!! Better get hill training 😂😂.
I’m currently eyeing up a few in between races just hanging fire with booking at the minute.
I also have this crazy goal hiding at the back of my mind, I’ll let you into a secret. You are the first person I’ve told this too but I’m going to be saying it out loud more often cause if I don’t believe in myself and don’t believe I can then I won’t.
I want to run an ultra! There you go I said it.
Please pick yourself up off the floor from laughter 😂😂.
I have a bone to pick with a route I once did many years ago. Not running if you told me 3 years ago I’d be running it would be me rolling around on the floor laughing.
I entered London to Brighton 100km in 2015 I think 🤔, very uneducated, under trained, UN fuelled yup I was that person. I got to just before the 80km point (which is in its own right an achievement, but back then I was so dissapointed in myself) my brain and body wasn’t functioning together, I felt sick and knew there was a massive hill climb to still face, fear of not making it to the next stop I made the  decision to call it a day. (it was actually 3am in the morning) I didn’t even recognise distance back then like I do now otherwise I might have pushed on.
It’s always been there at the back of my mind niggling away and now I believe I can do it 💪.
I’m going to Jeff (or crawl) London to Brighton 2022 in May, only this time I’m going prepared, trained, fuelled and I will cross that line!
If there’s any crazy’s out there reading this that would love to join me I’d love some company along the way. (I can try 🤪)
I’m going to pick up my blogging as my training for Manchester Marathon is well under way, I am using Jeff Galloway 32 week Training Plan, I won’t bore you with every run I do but I will check in from time time, longer runs and any races I managed to participate in. So watch this space!
P. S I’ve recently started an online second hand book shop to help with my fundraising. If you like a read then check out Www.bookadora.co.uk or give me a follow on Facebook or Instagram, share with your family and friends lots of bargains to be had and all for great cause 😁.

Week Commencing 07/09/2020 update!

This week was all about trying to get back into some sort of running routine ready for my 30 week Jeffing Marathon plan start next Monday. 30 Weeks! I know to some of you that might seem like ages but in running / training weeks I know how quick those weeks can start to fly by and how much each and everyone of those weeks count.
It’s not been an easy week and even just running a couple of mile on two occasions down the trail, has felt like I’ve never run before. I really do not remember it being this hard at the very beginning.  In fact I kid you not the second run I did I felt like my lungs was going to explode and I am running the slowest I have ever ran! I think this is partly due to shoving my chest in a now too small sports bra 😂 so I’ve decided comfort is key and until those extra lbs start disappearing I’ve invested in a larger one, being delivered on Monday and i’m investing in a slightly larger pair of bottoms. I want to enjoy my runs. Main thing is, I got out, I started to take those steps and focused on being proud of what I had done this week rather than what I could do this time last year.
Tuesday saw me starting beginners Pilates. Using an UTube class with Adriana as quiet a few people had recommended her. I felt it really helped stretch my joints out and is something I plan to keep rotated in every week along side my other stretches daily.
There still some joint pain and occasional it feels like someone is twanging an elastic band down certain parts of my legs but it’s not stopping me moving forward, I won’t let it.
The Physio helped by reassuring me my running won’t damage my back or legs anymore it may be uncomfortable at times but it will help with my recovery.
My training plan is all done and I’ve started looking at some events that have started back up. Thinking some 5k and 10k ones to get me started, I’m a lot slower than I used to be and have never Jeffed at an official event but I know with time my confidence will come back and I know I’ve got to start getting back out there. At the end of the day if people want to judge my run / walk method then that is there problem not mine. I’ve also looked at some half’s and if I can fit them in with my training plan. I’m particularly looking forward to running with the Grim up North lot, they seem really friendly and welcoming.
I then came across this crazy idea of joining the 100th half Marathon Club! 😳. I knew the Marathon one existed but had never heard of the half challenge. I can’t exactly remember how I came across it, maybe it was fate? Who knows. I’ve always enjoyed the half marathon distance when I was training before so I’ve decided this is the one for me 😁. I know it’s no overnight challenge and to complete it by my 50th I’d need to do 10 Half Marathons a year on average, bit scary when put like that 😳. Something just draws me to this challenge, taking on different half’s feels exciting and like a journey, for me the races are not about PB’s it’s about getting out there, going different places.
If your thinking I like that idea check out there Facebook and Web page. You can’t register till you have 25 official ones but you can join the chats etc.
I have my spreadsheet already in place 2 down 98 to go 😁.
Today (Sunday) should have been the Great North Run 🙁. As sad as I am not to be doing it I know how much I’m going to enjoy it next year and how much stronger I’ll be by then. Unfortunately I never completed the GNR Solo, it just wasn’t meant to be and I am not going to beat myself up over it, but I am working my way through the legend challenge still of Lands End to John O groats, got some catching up but I’ve started moving along again this week that’s the main point.
With my 30 week training plan starting next week I’m going to flip back to blogging in my Jeffing Section feel free to follow. I’d love to hear from other jeffing members following same or similar plans as well so shout out if your plan is starting soon 😁.

Returning back to getting out

I’m back off my jollies and feeling so much more motivated. Had plenty of time to think about my steps forward and reading lots of motivational things in my current read your pace or mine has really helped me view my running in a different light.

I did get Jealous of the gent I saw running past our window each morning off for a run along the sea front, last year that would have been have been me and Prestatyn sea front would have made a great place to run with its flat concrete walk way and amazing views. It really did make me want to put on my gear, shame I hadn’t packed it.

Returning home after 4 days of no medication, only slight twinges has given me the confidence I needed to get my butt back out. I do not think it’s the fear of getting out that has been stopping me (after the pain of course) but more like the fear of failing and being set back again. What I have realised is I’ll never know if I don’t try and sometimes its more about the journey to the finish line more than the race it’s self.

Bloody Sciatica / damaged nerve endings :(

Meant to post this post pre holiday, last week, I have been keeping my thoughts on my phone with the intention of getting back into my blogging.
After 4 days on strong painkillers I’m feeling so much better, I can walk and bend without any sharp pains, there is still some discomfort but not enough to stop me getting back out and re strengthening my muscles.
So went just for a short and very steady 30:30 Jeff. I felt like someone was booting me in each butt cheek every time my foot struck the floor but I did it and felt so much better for getting out. Only a couple of miles but slow and steady will get me back out longer. Returned home and completed my stretches Sian from my sports massage had given me which also seemed to help. I plan to keep these going and hoping to progress to starting Yoga online, I have even treated myself to a Yoga mat.
Few days later I made the mistake of thinking I could cope without pain relief or the Amitriptalyne, within two days I was back to being in agony, I’ve never felt pain like it and plan to do everything possible to prevent it from returning.
So after a lengthy phone appointment with the physio, an exercise regime, a stern word to myself over taking my tablets including the amitriptalyn as it will aid recovery and relax my nerves. I’m doing as I’m told as frustrating as it is and a week later I can walk about, get out of bed and turn over with very little pain. I still have twinges and some burning sensations and walking up the stairs feels like I’ve ran my first long run 😭 ever, I had forgot how that felt lol.
My muscles really have gone to sleep on me. I know if I stop the medication I’ll be back in pain, I hate taking them but will continue for now. I’m trying to look forward not back. I have a long way to go to be back up and running the lengths I was and I think I’ve now accepted I need to start small again, I have to refocus on what I am doing not what I was doing. I’ve 2 months to get my fitness back till my marathon training plan starts. We’re away for the week next week so I’m going to try to do more walking whilst away and then when I return the plan is to get back out there, continue stretching and start those darn yoga classes I was going to start.
To re start my motivation I bought myself my diary inserts for next year so I could start planning my goals, bought the Great North Run leggings from Lucy Locket 🥰 another race I will get to the start line! I would share pictures but they wont load at moment so will try again later but can guarantee you will see me in them in September :).
I’ve loaded my kindle with motivational running books for my jollies and I’m even going to sit this evening and plan my training plan for my board 😁. I may have been down recently but it’s time to get back up and start putting that one foot in front of the other 💪.