I’m back!!

I can’t believe my last post was when I was on my way out of the door to complete Manchester Marathon!

A lot has changed since then and I have a few race entries to enter and some updating to my profile to do, but I have decided it is time to get back up to speed with my blogging and begin to bore you all again.

So before 2023 arrives  I aim to complete my Manchester Marathon blog (I am sure I’ve written it somewhere just never published it).

I also have the following events to blog

London Landmarks 2022.

See the at Slaithwait Slog Half marathon.

My first 50km Ultra which was completed at Longhorn.

My first 100km race – Race to the stones, still feels very unreal.

Yorkshire Marathon – Hilly, undertrained and still not sure how I got round but I did!

I also did my first Percy Pud race in December which I’ll share with you.

Then I will be ready to share my 2023 running goals!!