Week Commencing 07/09/2020 update!

This week was all about trying to get back into some sort of running routine ready for my 30 week Jeffing Marathon plan start next Monday. 30 Weeks! I know to some of you that might seem like ages but in running / training weeks I know how quick those weeks can start to fly by and how much each and everyone of those weeks count.
It’s not been an easy week and even just running a couple of mile on two occasions down the trail, has felt like I’ve never run before. I really do not remember it being this hard at the very beginning.  In fact I kid you not the second run I did I felt like my lungs was going to explode and I am running the slowest I have ever ran! I think this is partly due to shoving my chest in a now too small sports bra 😂 so I’ve decided comfort is key and until those extra lbs start disappearing I’ve invested in a larger one, being delivered on Monday and i’m investing in a slightly larger pair of bottoms. I want to enjoy my runs. Main thing is, I got out, I started to take those steps and focused on being proud of what I had done this week rather than what I could do this time last year.
Tuesday saw me starting beginners Pilates. Using an UTube class with Adriana as quiet a few people had recommended her. I felt it really helped stretch my joints out and is something I plan to keep rotated in every week along side my other stretches daily.
There still some joint pain and occasional it feels like someone is twanging an elastic band down certain parts of my legs but it’s not stopping me moving forward, I won’t let it.
The Physio helped by reassuring me my running won’t damage my back or legs anymore it may be uncomfortable at times but it will help with my recovery.
My training plan is all done and I’ve started looking at some events that have started back up. Thinking some 5k and 10k ones to get me started, I’m a lot slower than I used to be and have never Jeffed at an official event but I know with time my confidence will come back and I know I’ve got to start getting back out there. At the end of the day if people want to judge my run / walk method then that is there problem not mine. I’ve also looked at some half’s and if I can fit them in with my training plan. I’m particularly looking forward to running with the Grim up North lot, they seem really friendly and welcoming.
I then came across this crazy idea of joining the 100th half Marathon Club! 😳. I knew the Marathon one existed but had never heard of the half challenge. I can’t exactly remember how I came across it, maybe it was fate? Who knows. I’ve always enjoyed the half marathon distance when I was training before so I’ve decided this is the one for me 😁. I know it’s no overnight challenge and to complete it by my 50th I’d need to do 10 Half Marathons a year on average, bit scary when put like that 😳. Something just draws me to this challenge, taking on different half’s feels exciting and like a journey, for me the races are not about PB’s it’s about getting out there, going different places.
If your thinking I like that idea check out there Facebook and Web page. You can’t register till you have 25 official ones but you can join the chats etc.
I have my spreadsheet already in place 2 down 98 to go 😁.
Today (Sunday) should have been the Great North Run 🙁. As sad as I am not to be doing it I know how much I’m going to enjoy it next year and how much stronger I’ll be by then. Unfortunately I never completed the GNR Solo, it just wasn’t meant to be and I am not going to beat myself up over it, but I am working my way through the legend challenge still of Lands End to John O groats, got some catching up but I’ve started moving along again this week that’s the main point.
With my 30 week training plan starting next week I’m going to flip back to blogging in my Jeffing Section feel free to follow. I’d love to hear from other jeffing members following same or similar plans as well so shout out if your plan is starting soon 😁.