Sunday 28th July 19 General Run

I woke this morning with heavy legs and could have quiet easily turned over and gone back to sleep but I knew if I didn’t keep that commitment in place I wouldn’t want to run this afternoon and then I would be a run down. Besides I also knew that after a cuppa and a bit of time to come round I’d be ready to go.

So on went the Red Camo Tikkis, omg! I haven’t work full length ones in ages, lets just say my thighs have definitely bulked out, my weight is averaging the same as what ive been for awhile so it’s definitely the muscles at work from running.

If you could see me pulling them on it would have kept you entertained for hours, once on no problems but I think the getting dressed part probably took more effort than the running! Which top to wear big decision, opted for my Marathon Training one, not only does it go great with cameos but maybe the more I say and see it the more it will seem real as its still in the distance but know once the half is out of the way the full one will take priority.

The weather was dark, cloudy with rain in the air and after the constant downpour yesterday I knew there was going to be some puddles and sludgy bits. What I hadn’t considered when choosing to run down and along the main road to the entrance to the trail was the road to be flooded and very busy with cars. There was another runner on the opposite end to the flooded area also waiting for a clear spot to dart through the puddles so we wouldn’t be drowned by the cars passing.

I jogged onto the grass area not realising that too had many boggy parts and hoped for the best staying as far away from the road side as possible, phew I’d made it feet a little damp but I was dry!I had beaten the drivers, Yay!!

I headed up the trail towards the entrance and decided to mix things up a bit for a change I entered Rothervalley at the first entrance instead of continuing down the trail and went right were I would normally go left. As I ran round and approached the cafe are I started having the whole do I do one lake or two conversation, sometimes I wish the brain would shut off and allow the legs to do the decision making.

Determined to get more distance in today than I had been doing recently and with the weather much cooler, I set my goal of both lakes and up to the entrance of the trail home, so past the turn off I kept going around the smaller lake. Instead of turning off up the slope and joining the trail I decided to continue around the lakes to back to where I had entered, under the bridge and back onto the trail.

Originally my brain had told me once back on the trail I could stop and walk back but I was determined I wanted to see more distance this time, with the weeks going by I knew I had to start thinking about challenging myself a little more and pushing myself, I know my legs can do it I need to stop the brain from taking over, maybe music isn’t enough and its time to think of trying out some pod casts to side track me, note ones self when I get home check out some pod casts.

Determined to complete the distance all way hope I headed off down the track, over the railway bridge and along trail coming out on the hill, I could have easily used the hill as a cool down walk but that inner training voice seemed to rise saying I really needed to get building up my stamina more and I shouldn’t stop if I had more to give. So I slowed my pace and plodded up the hill but didn’t stop once! I’d covered 8.3K happy with that and not a bad pace either.