Folkeston – First holiday run June 2019

After a week of very little running due to a chesty cough and cold and the start of a two week holiday I knew my running gear had to come with me even if I didn’t run as much I knew no running would make it harder to get back into things when I returned home.

So first morning of our holiday was a bright sunny day in Folkestone with a two day stop off here before boarding the Euro Tunnel and spending two whole days sat in the car traveling I used this as the perfect opportunity to stretch my legs.

Situated on the sea front with gorgeous views I had taken some time out the evening prior to look at where I could run.

I turned left out of the hotel and along the cliff tops, it wasn’t long before I hit a steep slope going down, my thoughts at this point were if I am going down I am going to have to come back up at some point

I noticed markers were being put out along the roads and realised there was some sort of event running event going on, later found out it was their Race for Life, had I have known I would have pre entered as an incentive and joined in.

I hit the bottom of the slope and carried on forward hitting he car park before the light house, looking out to the sea was so pretty and calming but I could not quiet work out how to get to the light house bit so did a tour of the car park and ran back along the bottom part of the cliffs. I soon entered a woodland area designed with walkways and flower beds so well kept it really was pretty. It also had several little park areas which I made a mental note we would visit for a walk later with Suzie.

I ran along through the forest area till hitting an exit back up the cliffs it was zig zaggy but steep so I knew this was going to be a tough bit especially after not running for awhile. Off I plodded up one foot at a time but reaching the top was so breath taking seeing the views out over the sea.

Last little stretch back to the hotel in time for breakfast. Not my fastest are farthest this morning and certainly not the easiest run but I knew if I didn’t start to get back into it it would be so hard to pick back up, it was good to get back out.