WEEK 9 RUN 3 5/5/19 LAST ONE OF C25K!!

GRADUATION DAY!!!Where did those 9 weeks go? It really only seems two minutes since I was telling my self to get my butt out of the door for run on week one.Decided to try a proper breakfast this morning before heading out, normally I would grab some fruit and a drink and eat when I return but I know my eating habbits need to change. So alarm set for 6am, yes I know its Sunday but I love getting up and out, cuppa and a bowl or porridge giving it time to settle before going out.Instead of taking the car to the bottom of the track decided to walk down it would mean a longer cool down walk but the excercise all adds up!So started my walk along the trail and then began my run, watch set determined to get that 5k coverage today!Ran down the trail entering the main lake at the top. Decided not to run the top lake today as my run had started earlier on the trail so knew id get the coverage I wanted.With no more than a few people round the lake, it really felt so calming and relaxing.Before I knew it the half way bell had gone and then the count down to the last ten minutes. Legs felt good today so when I was told it was time for cool down I was determined to push on for a little longer up the exit hill to the track to make sure I’d covered the distance.If it hadn’t have been for stopping to climb the steps onto the trail I feel I’d have kept my pace going but today was all about finishing that last c25k training run and covering that 5k!I DID IT!!! Does that mean I can now call myself a runner or say I run? I think it does 😍😍. Cant wait for my first medal to arrive from #virtualracing.co.uk. I shall be hanging it with pride as my first medal on my display Ive ordered.

So now the hard work starts, I need to decide on a training plan moving forward.I’ll continue to blog but wont blog every run, maybe checking in each week and bloging my up coming charity races. Feel free to continue following.Apologies for the shocking first video I dont do recording or photos of myself very well 🤣🤣 I look wrecked but felt great!

It appears the blog wont publish my video so I’ll try and blog it on a post on its own.

Nope it appears your saved from watching it 🤣🤣