Yes that’s right! I do not know where those other weeks have gone I have not been overly productive if I am honest. I have completed Derby Half Marathon and a 50km in the Peak District (this one was walked) but apart from that my training has been hit and miss.

I dont seem to be motivated by the Woman’s 100 Miler project training plan, I think its too rigid for me as it is set out in three blocks and that’s it, I feel I need something more progressive as I go along so I feel like I’m ticking off the weeks and goals.

So after spending what feels like weeks but has only been the past week asking myself do I really want to do this, followed by London Marathon a week later! Yes you read that right I have been given the opportunity to run London and realised its a week after the 100. Anyway I came to the conclusion that yes I do want to do this craziness.

I have perused training plans and YouTube videos all week and at the end of it still didn’t get that feeling I had found what I was looking for. So today I took the plunge and did an online meet with Steve from PFM coaching to get a feel for what support and structure he could offer me.

I have to be honest I had my reservations about taking on a coach but after speaking with him I feel this is the way forward and he didn’t tell me I am crazy with my goals which is a good start. We did discuss being realistic which is fine. So Paper work completed I am looking forward to starting my training with the support of Steve.

Today is Day One again.