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I was 38 years old when I started my blog I am now 43.

Mum to one amazing little girl Suzie aged 8 years old and wife to hubby Stu, who has spent many hours being my crew in the past. 

Before I started this blog I was always one of those people who had told themselves they can’t run and that I’d be no good as a runner, no idea why. I’ve always loved walking and walked many long distance paths including The Pennine Way.

In 2019 I decided to challenge myself with a new challenge after encouragement and guidance from a fab bunch of people who are all into running I decided to  give couch to 5k a go and you know what I found my love of running! (check out the couch to 5k bit)

It kind of went from there really, I set my first goal of a 5km race which turned into me changing to the 10km one, I then set my main goal of a running a Marathon and then as an after thought booked a half Marathon, cause I thought I had better at least do a half before a full. Blogging helped me record my achievement’s and show people what anyone can achieve. This last year I have not really blogged much one thing and another but decided to pick it back up again. My original goals have changed, I have not even walked for months let alone Jeffed or run, due to waiting for a rheumatology appointment for a formal diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, due to issues with my hands and feet. Some days are better than others but I have constant stiffness and pain in my joints and it has taken me several months to accept that I may not be able to run or Jeff again but that’s ok because I am determined that whilst ever my feet still work in some fashion I will be putting one foot in front of the other, if I am going to hurt I might as well hurt and ache for a reason, achieving new goals. 

I like to write down my goals, think visually seeing them helps me commit so here goes, my 2025 goals are:

May 2025 – London to Brighton 100km non stop walking – I attempted walking this about 14 years ago, very little knowledge of training or fueling and understandably didn’t make it to the end, I always said “I will be back” and next year feels like the right time to do so, so it’s booked, I now just need to kick my body into gear and get cracking with starting training since there’s only 5 months to go. 

September 2025 – Great North Run – If I am honest with myself I think this will be my last Jeffing event and I am not even sure if I will end up just trying to walk it, but it is an event I have always wanted to do and know if I get into a pace could walk it within the time frame. 

October 2025 – Charm Bracelet 100 Mile’s (walking) – https://www.thecharmbraceletmarathon.co.uk/charm-bracelet-100  100 miles in 40 hours, a generous cut off so less pressure than the previous 100 mile attempt and they welcome walkers, only downside is this isn’t a marked course and those that know me will know I have little sense of direction, but I have been assured it is easy to follow so we will see. 

I am sure there will be a few other events or walks thrown in for good measure once I get re started.